Thursday, February 16, 2012

Class Topics: 02.16.12

In EDM, students worked with Lesson 1.3: Addition and Subtraction using the Inverse Property.  In this lesson, students began to isolate variables by using the inverse property to solve one-step equations.
In class, students...
  • defined new terms such as: isolate and solve.
  • collaborated with peers to begin Reteach 1.2 and Practice A 1.2.
For homework, students SHOULD...
  • complete Practice A 1.3.
  • prepare for the quiz on Friday by understanding and being able to apply the following skills:
  • work on Khan to complete one-step equations practice over the long weekend.

In Pre-Algebra, students completed their Chapter Seven Formative Pretest.  We will begin this chapter on Tuesday the 21st.  
In class, students...
  • completed the Chapter Seven Formative Pretest.
  • analyzed problems that they will see as we progress through the unit.
For homework, students CAN...
  • view the Khan Video below to learn about proportions.
  • practice the linked Khan skill over the long weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr giomini: i checked on the blog,( i don't know what that first thing up there ) any ways, i checked up all of the subjects and to let you know i study at about 7, 8 9 pm or on random times

    thanks SKY WALKER
