Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Class Topics: 02.15.12

In EDM, students translated word phrases into algebraic expressions.  Students discussed key words that help when attempting to identify a specific operation within a word phrase.  The Power Point for today's lesson: 1.2: Writing Algebraic Expressions, can be accessed by clicking on the lesson title.
In class, students...
  • examined the table pictured below to help with key words.
  • practiced independently on translating algebraic expressions by completing Reteach 1.2.
For homework, students SHOULD...
  • complete Practice 1.2.
  • prepare for the quiz on Friday by understanding and being able to apply the following skills:

In Pre-Algebra, students completed their Unit Six Summative Post-test.  This unit dealt with: area, perimeter, The Pythagorean Theorem and volume and surface area of three-dimensional shapes.  There was a great deal of information in this unit.  Students were encouraged to use a note card to help with formulas on the assessment.
In class, students...
  • completed Unit Six Summative Post-test.
For homework, students SHOULD...
  • relax!
Enjoy the night off.

1 comment:

  1. I think I just might relax like them

    British Matt
