Friday, January 27, 2012

Class Topics: 01.27.12

In EDM, students worked with volume and surface area.  We also introduced the area and circumference of a circle.  The focus was more on how to use the formula to calculate both the area and circumference when given to the student in a problem situation.
In class, students...
  • completed several review problems that are reflective of the problems they will see on their Unit Five Summative Post-test.
  • reviewed some skills using Khan Academy.  
For homework, students SHOULD...
In Pre-Algebra, we introduced Lesson 6.4 - Area and Circumference of Circles using a hands-on approach to uncovering the relationship between circumference, diameter and Pi.  We then applied our new skills to some word problems that applied our understanding of area and circumference of circles to real-world scenarios.  
In class, students...
  • used circular objects to uncover the mystery of Pi.
  • worked with peers to solve  real-world problems that dealt with area and circumference of circles.
For Homework, students SHOULD...
  • complete 6.4 - Problem Solving.  (handout)
  • complete the following Khan Academy Skill:
    • Video - Skill - use the word pi when answering some of the questions
Sam is intrigued by the measure
of the circumference.
Robo measures as Kate the Great
watches on.
Risch is the man of the group.
Number 45 on the assist.
The gentlemen discuss
pi, circumference and

1 comment:

  1. I have watched the pretest videos and have done Khan and have studied I think I'm ready for the test Mr. Giomini

    Jivan Meguerditchian $$$$$$
