Monday, January 30, 2012

Class Topics: 01.30.12

In EDM today, students completed DAY ONE of their UNIT FIVE SUMMATIVE POSTTEST.  The assessment covered the skills listed below.
  •  classifying and describing 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional figures using their properties.
  • using standard geometric vocabulary.
  • identifying and defining relationships between planes.
  •  predicting and describing transformations.
  • drawing similar figures that model proportional relationships.
  • building 3-dimensional objects and sketch 2-dimensional representations.
In class, students...
  • completed Day One of their Unit Five Summative Posttest.
  • discussed questions that were challenging once assessments were collected.
For homework, students SHOULD...
  • review the concepts of area and perimeter.
  • know the difference between supplementary and complementary angles.  
  • understand the characteristics of a polygon.
  • identify similarities and differences between different types of polygons.
  • use given formulas to find area of a specific geometric shape.
Noah reviewing his
scale model.
Casey calculating area for
Mr. Hartwell's remodeling job.
In Pre-Algebra today, students completed a Gallery Walk in preparation for their Chapter Six Mid-Chapter Quiz.  We covered the following topics in the Gallery Walk:
  • area and perimeter of squares, rectangles and trapezoids.
  • utilized The Pythagorean Theorem to solve real-life problems.
  • used our understanding of Pi to solve problems dealing with area and circumference of a circle.
In class, students...
  • collaborated with peers to solve twelve different problems.
  • self-checked responses to questions using answers provided to each question.
For homework, students SHOULD:
  • complete 1 – 18 on page 298.


  1. The Hardest problem on the test for me was the second one were you had to explain which one would need the least fencing materials that was the hardest one because I couldn't really find words which would describe the way i solved and new that but then when I read it aloud I realized that its extremely easy and all I had to do was read it aloud

    Antonio Camps

  2. The hardest question on the test was number one because I thought it was the side bricks on the wall.


  3. The hardest question on the test was probably number one. This question was the hardest because I don't recall that we ever reviewed this problem and I had an idea on how to solve it but I wasn't sure if it was right (the way I solved it).

    Jivan Meguerditchian
