Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Class Topics: 01.17.12

In EDM, students worked with Lesson 5.6: Congruent Figures.  Students were presented with a problem asking for them to create a similar shape that models a 1:4 relationship between the two shapes.  Corresponding angles and sides were discussed when identifying similar shapes.
In class, students...
  • created a personalized definition for the word congruent.
  • complete MJ 184 and 185 both as a class and independently.  
For homework, students SHOULD...
  • review Guided Notes for Lesson 5.6.
  • complete MJ187.
  • complete the Blog Review Questions.  (Link Here)
  • view the following video and play the game if you would like.  
  • post a comment if the urge hits you.
Look for corresponding sides and angles.

Which shape is similar to the top yellow one?

In Pre-Algebra, students discussed common strengths and weaknesses from the Chapter Five Summative Post-test that was administered last week.  Students also examined the short answer and extended response questions that were a component of last week's assessment.  These questions were graded, but not calculated into the summative grade.  
In class, students...
  • determined key vocabulary/concepts in the short answer and extended response questions from last week's assessment.
  • completed the Chapter Six Formative Pre-test.  
For homework, students SHOULD...
  • complete the Guided Notes for Lesson 6.1: Perimeter and Area of Rectangles and Parallelograms.  (These are located on the blog.)
  • determine appropriate answers for 6.1 Challenge.  

Romanesco is an excellent example of a
fractal in nature.

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