Friday, January 13, 2012

Class Topics: 01.13.12

In EDM, students in first period constructed different shapes and then illustrated their designs on isometric grid paper.  This helped with students visual perception of three-dimensional objects.

EDM students in third and fifth period completed a quiz dealing with the following skills:vertical, adjacent, complementary, supplementary angles, angle construct and transformations.  Grades will soon be posted to GBW.
In class, students...

  • First Period
    • constructed three-dimensional objects using Omnifix Cubes.
    • illustrated their constructions on isometric grid paper.
  • Third and Fifth Period
    • completed Unit Five Quiz.
The New Girl is a rock star with her illustrations
while Tebow is trying to constuct
a new design.
Leo has an eye for three-dimensional shapes.
Schill was loving this activity.
For homework, students CAN...
In Pre-Algebra, students constructed different shapes and then illustrated their designs on isometric grid paper.  This helped with students visual perception of three-dimensional objects.
In class, students...
  • constructed three-dimensional objects using Omnifix Cubes.
  • illustrated their constructions on isometric grid paper.
For homework, students CAN...
  • preview Chapter Six in their textbook and prepare for the pretest on Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Giomini,
    The videos helped me very much. I did not use my email to get on Khan. Is that Ok?
