Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Class Topics: 01.18.12

In EDM, students reviewed their homework from last night.  We discussed rotations when occurring on a coordinate grid.  Students then independently solved short answer and extended response questions dealing with scale factor and proportional relationships.
In class, students...
  • solved short answer and extended response questions.
  • viewed models to see what two and point responses would look like on an assessment.
For homework, students SHOULD...
  • complete MJ190.
Scale factor example
In Pre-Algebra, students received their Chapter Six Formative Pre-test back from yesterday's class.  This is an excellent tool to use as we begin to prepare for the Chapter Six Summative Assessment.  Students then began Lesson 6.1: Perimeter and Area of Rectangles and Parallelograms.
In class, students...

  • calculated the area and perimeter of various two dimensional geometric figures.
  • explained why finding the area of a parallelogram is the same as finding the area of a rectangle.
For homework, students SHOULD...
  • complete pgs 280 – 284: 1-8, 16, 18-20, 22-25(all), 29-33.
  • complete Guided Notes for Lesson 6.2 on the blog.
    • CAN complete...
      • an additional worksheet on the blog.
      Illustration of today's lesson.

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