Friday, December 02, 2011

Class Topics: 12.02.11

In EDM, students practiced skills that have been introduced both this week and last.
Practice these skills over the weekend as well.  The more you practice, the easier these tasks are going to become for you.  View the videos as well to help refresh your memory.

In Pre-Algebra, students closed out Chapter Four by completing their Chapter Four Summative Assessment.  Skills assessed were:
  • identifying populations, samples, and sampling methods
  • evaluating whether a sample was biased
  • demonstrating an understanding for the measures of central tendency
  • constructing appropriate graphical representations for various data sets
  • arguing reasons to support that a graphical representation is misleading
  • communicating using mathematical language/terms
Check GBW during the weekend to see how students performed on the assessment.

1 comment:

  1. I see you all have been using Khan Academy, that's great! I hope you're also using the videos. They are a great way to review or learn important skills.
