Thursday, December 01, 2011

Class Topics: 12.01.11

In EDM, students continued to work with adding and subtracting mixed numbers.  Today's calculations included mixed numbers with unlike denominators which is slightly different than last night's homework.

Students were separated into flexible groups to work through five different stations.  The stations included:
  1. MJ 136 and 137
  2. Fraction Word Problems
  3. Fraction Review Cards
  4. Mixed Number Calculations
  5. Challenge Story Problems
Visual Representation of Subtracting Fractions w/ Unlike Denominators
In Pre-Algebra, students finished their graphical representations for the data that they selected in class yesterday.  Students presented their graphs and findings to the class.  This served as a review for Friday's Chapter Four Summative Assessment.
  • In class, students:
    • Collaborated together to complete a task.
    • Developed appropriate graphical representations for a set of data.
    • Presented their finished product to the class.
  • HW: 
    • Complete the Chapter Review at the end Chapter Four.
    • Review Chapter Four Summative Assessment.
    • View the second video definitely and then respond to the questions below:
      • Select what you feel is your mindset: Fixed or Growth.
      • Explain if you feel your intelligence is predetermined or is constantly evolving.  
      • Infer as to why I posted the second video for you to watch.


  1. Time management is important to prepare for Exams.

    Assessment forms

  2. 1. I think that my mindset is a growth mindset.
    2. I think that my intelegance is constantly evolving.
    3. Ithink that you put this on the blog to make us realize if we are giving enough effort or not.


  3. 1. Growth mindset
    2. My intelligence is constantly evolving.
    3. You put this up because you want us to have an attitude as we need to be constantly learning new things and paying attention instead of thinking we know everything and thinking we will always get A's.

  4. 1: I think i have a growth mindset.
    2: I beliveve that intelengence is constantly evolving if you work for it.
    3: I think you put this on the blog so that we relize that we should give our best effort in all of our classes and go the extra mile.

    The Smarter and Better Looking Egyptian

  5. I think I am 50/50 because I think either you have or you don't, but then if I don't "have it" I will still try. I think my mind is constantly evolving because I am always learning new things. My inference on why you posted this video is because you want us to see how having a fixed mind can get in the way of opening our mind in learning.

  6. 1: I think I have a growth mindset.
    2:I believe you can always be smarter if you try hard enough, and that your mindset is never per-determined.
    3: I think you put this on the blog because you wanted us to keep an open mind and want to have a growth mindset.

  7. 1. I would like to say I have a growth mindset, but I feel I have a little bit of both mindsets. (I'm a little full of myself sometimes)

    2. Like I said before, I can be full of myself and don't try hard enough 'cause I just expect myself to know these thing. So, both... again...

    3. I think you put this on the blog because, like you said in class, you think some of us need to know that just because we've always been told that we're smart, it doesn't mean when something gets too hard just quit. And let's face it, a lot of people, including me, can be extremely arrogant. Not all, but a lot.

    ~ Cheesy Ninja(:

  8. 1. Growth Mindset

    2. I feel like I am learning more each year, and I do put effort into SOME things (surprising as it may be XD) and I feel that "effort is what makes you smarter/stronger."

    3. I think you put this on the blog to get us to think about how much effort we put into our work and to get us to think about how much the extra work is doing for us. Also, I think you put this on the blog because the TEST is tomorrow and you want us to put our best effort into it, as it will serve us well.


  9. 1.Growth Mindset

    2.I think it's constantly evolving because people have to work for their accomplishments in life, you can't wake up in the morning waiting for your paparazzi to arrive at your doorstep, you have to work for that. Albert Einstein, for example had to learn and study in school, he wasn't born like that.

    3. I think you post this on because some people in our class, not naming any names, don't try as hard as they can everyday so they don't want their lives to be better for some reason.

    Egyptian Prince

  10. 1. I believe I have a growth mindset when it comes to stuff like school, but a fixed mindset when it comes to sports.

    2. I believe my intelligence is constantly evolving because weather i know it or not, I am learning new things each day.

    3. I think you posted the second video to make us think who we are and what we can do to fix whatever is wrong.

  11. As I read through the comments, which I'm sure everyone can say they do, even if the won't admit it, I feel as though I lean towards fixed. I'm a realist, so it's hard to say for me that a three foot tall person could be a football star, but I don't believe that you can't improve in many things. Maybe you can't will yourself to grow taller, but you can become faster and stronger. Intelligence is constantly growing, I would be a knucklehead if I said differently. This is definitely not fixed, because as you said in class, Sydney wasn't the amazing artist she is today when she was born. She might have been crying calculus... The only reason I see in the other comments is that we want to realize effort, but as I think, I see it might be another test within a test. Tests can be used to see what a student knows, this is testing their knowledge in themselves. But there is also the fact that you know who you feel could do better than they are, seeing as they either said growth of 50/50, you can look at who you want to test and make a silent observation. Or I could be completely off and it's just one of my hallucinations...

    Konbanwa and Ja ne!!!


  12. 1: I think that my mindset is growth

    2: I think that my intelligence is constantly evoving because when I was born I was pretty sure my parents thought that I was going to be one of those lazy people that don't try.

    3: I think you posted this video for us to realize that you're not going to know everything and that you're not going to know what athe answer is right when you see the problem.

    Frank N' Beans

  13. 1. Growth mindset
    2.I think my intellegence is constantly evolving because I always learn new things.
    3.I think you posted this to show us how kids are in and out of school and to show we need to work hard to accomplish things.


  14. 1. I think that i have a growth mindset when it comes to everything. I have to put effort into school and sports.

    2. I believe that my intelligenceis constantly evolving because whether you get something or you make a mistake, your always learning.

    3. I think that you posted this because you learn new things each day whether its learning from a mistake or learning something that you have to put effort into. You have to put effort in everything you do or else your not going to ever learn how to do it right.

    Good people practice till they get it right.
    Great people practice till they never get it wrong.


  15. 1. I believe that i have a Growth Mindset

    2. My intelligence is constantly evolving no matter what i do

    3. I think you posted this to the blog to get us to know if we think either we know it and think it will magically come to us or if we think we have to learn every bit of information we can get to get a good grade


  16. 1. To be honest i feel I have a fixed mindset.

    2. But I feel like I am learning more as the year goes on.

    I think you posted this to the blog to show us that we have to work harder and study harder.

    Jaret Herbert

  17. 1. I think that I have a growth mindset.
    2.My intelligence is consstanly evolving.
    3.I think you put the second vidoe on for us to know if we are growth or fixed mindset. Also to show us that if you try you will grain knowlegae.

    Ally Dichosa:)

  18. 1. I think I have a growth mindset. I think this because you can always be better at something, so why not try? Nobody will ever be perfect. If you have "it", then you will have to work hard to sustain that knowledge. If you don't have "it", then you probably have "something" else.
    2. I think my intelligence is constantly evolving. I think this because I learn something new everyday. If you try your very best everyday, then you will walk out the door with something valuable.
    3. I think you post this on the blog to teach us all a lesson. Just because someone has always told you that they are great, you don't know EVERYTHING. You have to work hard to deserve the things that come your way in life. In the end, it's not the years in your life that matter, it' the life in your years.- Life Quotes
    Kate The Great

  19. 1) I think I have a growth mindset.

    2) I think my intelligence is constantly evolving. I think this because I try my hardest everyday in everything that i do, where if your intelligence is predetermined, you kind of decide how much you are going to do. Obstacles are hard to overcome because you haven't planned for these.

    3) I think you posted the second video for us to watch to make us really think about and consider our mindset; if we are trying our best or if we are setting limits for ourselves.


  20. 1) I think I have a growth mindset.

    2) I think my intelligence is constantly evolving because sometimes, I have bad days in Pre-Algebra, whereas sometimes I feel smarter and more into the lesson than usual.

    3) I think you posted the second video because if someone may watch it, it may change the way they think... so one day, they could get a, lets say, D- on a test... then they watch the video and say, "Wow... I think I really need to pay attention more so I can get a better grade."


  21. 1. I think i have a fixed mindset.

    2. I know that my brian is constantly evolving because everyday I go to school I learn new things and I know I'm a lot smarter then last year.
    3. I think you posted this vidoe to show us that sometimes we need to step up and give some effort.

    mr. wirtz

  22. 1. I think that I have a growth mindset.

    2. I think my brain is constantly evolving because I learn new things 24/7.

    3. I think you posted this video to show us we don't know everything-and need to learn and work.

    Blomdie <3

  23. 1)I think I have a growth mindset.
    2)I think I have a growth mindset because I am constantly looking over notes I get in class and that I am able to laugh at myself when I make mistakes.
    3)I think you posted this video to tell us to stop worrying, but try and work hard to get were we want to go.

