Friday, January 08, 2016

Day 86: Test Review / Estimation with Division / Percents

Today in Math 6: 1 & 3°, students reviewed yesterday's Concept Four practice assessment.  Students and Mr. Giomini modeled different algorithms for various problems presented on the assessment.  

A Socrative was assigned to help review different concepts from the posttest.  The specific skills were unit rates and writing ratios.   

During Math 6 - 2°, students began Topic Six: Estimate Quotients Involving Whole Numbers.  
The goal was to develop a sense of quantities being divided and the relationship between the divisor and dividend.  

Students worked with rounding the divisor to a nearest ten as well as the dividend to help provide a benchmark answer that better guides to a more precise answer once the actual calculations are computed.

Students in Math 6+ had their introduction to percents.  Mr. Giomini had the students complete a baseline assessment to see where their current understanding of percents is before moving into the first lesson.  

Results were analyzed as a class and different hypotheses were generated that might help support the findings presented in the data.    

Today's Learning Target(s): The student will be able to...
  1. understand the concept of ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities. (1 and 3°)
  2. use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems. (1 and 3°)  
  3. recognize and represent proportional relationships between similar figures. (1 and 3°)
  4. fluently divide multi-digit numbers. (2°)
  5. find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100.  (7°)
  6. fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers using the standard algorithm for each operation. (all classes)
For Evening Practice, the student is expected to complete:
  1. Math 6(1&3°): 
    • Handout from Mr. Giomini
    • Work towards 50% mastery on Khan Academy (6th Grade)
  2. Math 6(2°): 
    • Estimate Whole Numbers with Quotients Quick Check (online)
    • Work towards 50% mastery on Khan Academy (6th Grade)
  3. Math 6+: 
    • Digital handout (CLICK HERE)
    • Work towards 100% mastery on Khan Academy (6th Grade)
  4. All Classes: > 10 minutes meaningful practice at Khan Academy 

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