Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Class Topics: 11.18.14

In Common Core Math Six today, class began by students completing three review questions from previous lessons in Chapter Four.  A question, similar to yesterdays, but dealing with fractions, was presented to students at the beginning of class.  Students worked independently on the question for the first part of the class period.

As a class, the question was discussed and a correct answer was determined.  To help with test preparation, Mr. Giomini revisited Lessons 4.7 - 4.11 which dealt with fraction computations.

P.O.N. (Problem of the Night)
Tommy planted vegetables in a rectangular garden that was 25 feet long and 15 feet wide.  He used one-third of the area for corn and one-fifth for peas.  How many square feet are left for his eggplant, sweet potatoes, and his sugar snap peas? 

Answer to 11.17.14 Question: The student is incorrect.  It appears that they added the 0.63 to both sides which would not have isolated the variable on the left side of the equation.  To correctly solve this problem, the student would have needed to subtract 0.63 from both sides of the equation.  On the left, the 0.63 would cancel out and then 5 - 0.63 = 4.37 on the right leaving them with x = 4.37.  

Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  • apply and extend previous knowledge and understanding of numbers to the system of rational numbers.
  • apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions.
  • understand solving an equation as a process.  
For Evening Practice, the student is expected to...


  1. First I found out what fraction of the garden was being used then I found out the square footage of the garden Then I took the square feet and multiplied the fractions and I simplified to get 225 square feet


  2. My answer is that Tommy would have 100 square feet left for his eggplant, sweet potatoes, and sugar snap peas. I got this answer by first multiplying 25 by 15, so I would get the area of his garden. When I multiplied that, I got 375 feet. Next, I divided 375 by 3 because he used up 1/3 of his garden for the corn and that gave me 125. Next I divided 375 by 5 because 1/5 of his garden was used for peas and that gave me 75. I added 125 and 75 together because that was how much of his garden was already used and that gave me 200. I subtracted 300 by 200 to get 100. That is why he has 100 square feet left in his garden.


  3. Tommy had 79 7/15 square feet left in his garden to plant his vegetables. I got this by finding the area of the garden which was 80. Then I added 1/3 and 1/5 and subtracted this from 80.

  4. I believe that the answer is 7/15 of his garden or 175 square feet. I got this answer by adding 1/3 and 1/5. I got a common denominator of 15, and turned 1/3 into 5/15 and turned 1/5 into 3/15. If you add 5/15 and 3/15 it equals 8/15. 15/15 - 8/15 =7/15. I multiplied 15 by 25 to get the whole area(375), then multiplied 375 square feet by 7/15 and got 175. I also drew a picture to help understand.

    Dickens 7 period

  5. Their is704 1/8square feet left for all of the vegetables. I got my answer by first multiplying 25 times 15 to figure out the total feet. Then it said that he used 1/3 of the area for corn and 1/5 for peas. Next I added those. Once I added those I got 8/15. That is the total for 2 of them and they want the total space that is left for divide all the length and width from the 8/15. After you divide you should get 704 1/8.

