Thursday, November 13, 2014

Class Topics: 11.13.14

In Common Core Math Six today, class began by students completing three review questions from previous lessons in Chapter Four.  Lesson 4.11: Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers was introduced, modeled, and practiced as a class and independently.

The focus was on subtracting mixed numbers when regrouping was needed.  Mr. Giomini modeled several ways to accomplish this task and encouraged students to use the method that they were most comfortable with when working with the concept.  Look below for a video to help you get a betting understanding of the two algorithms that were presented in class today.

P.O.N. - Problem of the Night
During the summer, the Avon Lake City Pool measures the water level in its pool throughout the course of the day.  At 6:00 a.m., the water level was 12 1/3 ft deep.  At noon, the water level was 
11 3/4 ft deep.  The lifeguards again measured the pool at 5:00 p.m. and found that the level was 
10 9/10 ft deep.  Explain the difference in the depth over course of the day.  


Answer to 11.12.14 Question: Mr. Giomini can expect to make 45 pies using the 25 lb bag of flour. He has a 25 lb bag of flour and each pound is equal to 3 cups of flour.  I need to figure out how many cups of flour he has which means that I need to multiply 25 lb by 3 c. per lb to get 75 cups of flour that he has in all.  His recipe calls for the use of 1 2/3 cups of flour per pie crust.  Next, I need to figure out how many times 1 2/3 goes into 75 meaning I will use division.  75 divided by 1 2/3 is 75 divided by the reciprocal of 1 2/3.  I will convert the mixed number into an improper fraction, 5/3, and take it reciprocal, 3/5, and times it by 75.  75/1 * 3/5 equals 225/5, but that doesn't make sense with how many pies he can make.  Divide 225/5 to get 45 pies that Mr. Giomini can make using a 25 lb bag of flour and 1 2/3 c. of flour for each pie crust.

Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  • apply and extend previous knowledge understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers.
For Evening Practice, the student is expected to...
  • complete page 37 in Chapter Four.  


  1. First I find a common denominator and I got 4*3*10=120 and I got those numbers by
    looking at all the denominators and multiplying them. Then I added 3 to 40 witch I got by multiplying 4*10=3. Then added 4 to 30 witch I got by multiplying 3*10+4.Then I added 10 to 12 witch I got by multiplying 3*4+10. Then I subtracted them and got 9 1/10.


  2. In this problem I figured out that each time they had checked it, it had gone down. Since it had gone down you should subtract to figure out how much it had gone down by. Which in this case they have 12 1/3 - 10 9/10. When subtracting you have to find a common denominator ( to find the common denominator you have to figure out the least common multiple of the to numbers and figure out what you did to the bottom of the fraction then you have to do it to the top.) When you subtract these to numbers you will notice that you have to borrow ( when you borrow you take 1 away form the whole number and look at your denominator and add that to the numerator.) Once you are done subtracting these you should get 7/12. Now they had checked it again and got 10 9/10. To figure out how much the water had gone down you should subtract 11 3/4 from 10 9/10 and get 17/20. You should subtract 11 3/4 instead of 7/12 from 10 9/10 because 11 3/4 was the latest time so to figure out how much it had gone down by.

