Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Class Topics: 11.05.14

In Common Core Math Six today, students received their Chapter Four Midpoint Quiz back in class.  Students then worked in small groups with peers to go through five stations that modeled all skills from the midpoint quiz again.  At each station was an index card with an answer as well as work to allow students to check their understanding.  Once they were able to complete the task, students worked on their evening practice.

The Harvard Glacier in Alaska is advancing at a rate
of about 0.055 m per day.  At this rate, how long will 
it take the glacier to advance 20 m?  Round your answer to 
the nearest hundredth.  

Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  • fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation. 
  • use variables to represent numbers.
  • solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations.  
  • apply and extend previous knowledge with multiplication and division to work with fractions.
For Evening Practice, the student is expected to...
  • complete page 24 in Chapter Four.  


  1. The answer for the word problem is 363.63. Justification: 0.055 * g= 20


    1. Mo,
      I like the use of the equation. I'm looking for a label on your answer.

  2. The answer that I got for the word problem is 363.636. Then It told me to round to the nearest hundereth so then it turned into 363.64. I got my answer by knowing that since it said " to advance to 20m that told me to divide 20/.055. Then once I got my answer which was 363.636, then i rounded it to


  3. The answer is 363.64. Justification: 20/0.55= 363.63

    Jack Fazio 3rd Period

    1. Fazio,

      I agree with your solution. Do not forget to label your answer using the appropriate units.
