Monday, March 26, 2018

Day 132: Summarize Data Using Measures of Variability

Math 6 and Math 6+ students today worked with two measures of variability: range and mean absolute deviation. Both of these concepts have been practiced prior to today using Khan Academy which helped us front-load much of this topic hopefully leading to strong grades.

Skills that were introduced, modeled, practiced, and informally/formally assessed today in class include:
Math 6 and Math 6+:
  • Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots (line plots), histograms, and box plots.
  • Recognize and formulate a statistical question as one that anticipates variability and can be answered with quantitative data.
  • Choose the measures of center and variability, based on the shape of the data distribution and the context in which the data were gathered.
Calculation Quiz Two-Quarter Four: Math 6

Calculation Quiz Two-Quarter Four: Math 6+

Either the Easter Bunny hopped into the room, or this girl loves learning about math.

This Steelers' fan is doing something other than waving a Terrible Towel.

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