Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Day 61: Review / Coordinate Plane Skills / Review

Today in Math 6: 1 & 3°, students were administered another review quiz to help prepare them for Thursday's posttest.  The skills assessed on this quiz were fraction computations which is an area that we are struggling with as a whole.  

During Math 6 - 2°, students continued their work with Topic Four: Algebra Coordinate Geometry. Students drew their own coordinate plane and followed directions posted by Mr. Giomini to construct various geometric shapes.  These shapes were then used to calculate distances between points.

Students then completed a quick check dealing with Lesson 4.2.  This score was recorded in PowerSchool. 

Students in Math 6+ continued their test preparation by completing a quiz today.  The focal point for the quiz was fractions.  Mr. Giomini and the class graded the assessment as a whole group in an attempt to provide another resource for test preparation.  Grades will be posted for this activity.  

Today's Learning Target(s): The student will be able to...
  1. solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations.  (1, 3, & 7°)
  2. apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers. (2°)   
  3. identify and graph points with integer coordinates on the coordinate plane. (2°)  
  4. draw polygons in the coordinate plane given coordinates for the vertices. (2°) 
  5. use coordinates to find the length of a side joining points with the same first or second coordinate. (2°)   
  6. fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers using the standard algorithm for each operation. (all classes)
For Evening Practice, the student is expected to complete:
  1. Math 6(1&3): Continue test preparation
  2. Math 6(2): 4.3 Quick Check
  3. Math 6+: Continue test preparation
  4. All Classes: > 10 minutes meaningful practice at Khan Academy 

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