Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Class Topics: 10.02.13

In Common Core Math Six today, students in 1, 3, and worked with several different types of equations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.  Mr. Giomini placed students on relay teams and had them competing with each other as they raced to solve fourteen equations.  They were not allowed to continue onto the next question until their answer was correct.  Work was required to support their solution.

Students in  played Algebraic Expression Express where teams had to translate twelve word phrases into algebraic expressions.  Once they collaborated and shared their answer with Mr. Giomini, they either moved on to the next question or went back and reworked their solution until it was correct.
Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  • explain that solving an equation leads to finding the value of a variable that will make the mathematical statement true.  (1, 3, and )
  • write numerical expressions involving whole-number exponents.  ()
  • translate a relationship given in words into an algebraic expression.  ()
For Evening Practice, the student is expected to complete...
  •  1, 3, and -
    • Lesson 2.12 Practice B and Problem Solving.
    • corrections for questions on their Chapter Two Pretest.
  •  -

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