Thursday, April 11, 2013

Class Topics: 04.11.13

In Math Six today, students checked over their Evening Practice against Mr. Giomini's work.  Students today worked with Lesson 8.5 - Using Nutrition Information.  This lesson had students analyze and better understand what nutrition the foods that eat provide to them.

Mr. Giomini also reviewed some questions that the students will see on the Chapter Eight Midpoint Quiz.  He modeled example questions and encouraged students to take notes on the problems.
Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  1. apply place-value concepts to round to the nearest whole percent.
  2. rename decimal numbers as percents.
  3. apply multiplication facts to solve rate problems.
  4. estimate whole-numbers sums.
  5. identify data discrepancies due to rounding.
For Evening Practice, the student is expected to...
  1. complete Math Journal pages 298 and 299.
In Pre-algebra today, students checked over their Evening Practice against Mr. Giomini's work.  Mr. Giomini then modeled several examples for Lesson 10.2 - Solving Multi-Step Equations.  These problems relied on students being able to combine like terms and find the least common denominator when working with fractions.

These skills were then applied to word problems such as the one posted below:
When Mr. and Mrs. Wesner left for the store, Mrs. Wesner had three times as much money as Mr. Wesner had. While shopping, Mr. Wesner spent $50 and Mrs. Wesner spent $25. When they arrived home, they had a total of $25. How much did Mr. Wesner have when he left home?

Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  1. determine the least common denominator for multiple numbers.
  2. combine like terms when necessary to simplify algebraic equations.
  3. solve multi-step equations.
For Evening Practice, the student is expected to...
  1. answer questions 12 - 24, 37, 38 and 44 - 49 on pages 504 and 505.
  2. complete the following handout if you are interested in a retake - 

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