Monday, November 12, 2012

Class Topics: 11.12.12

In Math Six today, we completed a review of Thursday's Chapter One midpoint assessment.
Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  1. evaluate algebraic expressions when given a value for a variable.
  2. simplify expressions by combing like terms.
  3. translate word phrases into algebraic expressions.
  4. write and solve algebraic expressions and inequalities from real-world story problems.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. complete the Khan Skill: Ordered Pair Solutions.  (2 stacks)
  2. view the video below if you need a little review. 

In Pre-Algebra today, students completed their Chapter Four formative pretest. 
Today's Learning Goals: The student will show what they know about...
  1. reading, constructing and interpreting line graphs, circle graph and histograms.
  2. describing the frequency distribution of a set of data.
  3. understanding the different information provided by measures of central tendency and measures of spread.
  4. making logical inferences from statistical data.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. complete the Khan Skill: Exploring Mean and Median. (Until you become proficient.)
  2. post a comment about any observation you noticed while working on the Khan Skill.


  1. Mr. Gioimini,
    The observation I noticed about the Khan skill is that I would do a few and they would be easy, but then one would be hard. The pattern kept going on and on.


  2. Hey Mr.Giomini,
    During the khan skill I did for evening practice, I noticed that there sometime are several ways to get the same median or mode.

    ~Schulte 3*

  3. I noticed that you needed to level out the number line so you could get the right awnser

  4. I noticed that you needed to level out the number line to get the right awnser

  5. For me it was hard at first but then it got easier is I tried more


  6. I noticed that it was easier to get the median by putting more than one orange dot at the median number. Then I would try to put the same number of orange dots above and below the median. Then I would move the dots around until I got the mean number.
