Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Class Topics: 10.17.12

In Math Six today, Mr. Giomini introduced the Learning Goals and Progress Chart for the beginning of the Pre-Algebra chapter: Expressions and Equations.  Using Khan Academy, Mr. Giomini modeled some one-step equations and some basic expressions.  Once this was discussed, students collaborated with peers to front-load material for tomorrow's pre-test.
Today's Learning Goals: The student will be INTRODUCED to...
  1. evaluating expressions with one or two variables.
  2. using order of operation to solve expressions and equations.
  3. solving one-step equations.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. work with the following Khan skills to prepare for tomorrow's pre-test:

In Pre-Algebra, students were introduced to Lesson 3-3: Multiplying Rational Numbers.  Initially, Mr. Giomini spent some time at the beginning of class reviewing last night's Evening Practice.  Afterwards, students discussed how to multiply fractions, proper, improper and mixed numbers, and decimals.  
Today's Learning Goals:
  1. multiply fractions, mixed numbers and decimals.
  2. name the number of decimal places in the product of 5.625 and 2.75.
  3. explain why products of fractions are like products of integers.
  4. give an example of two fractions whose product is an integer due to common factors.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. complete pages 124 and 125 - numbers 49 through 71 odd.  
  2. complete Khan Skill (Two stacks and Proficient) of Multiplying Decimals.

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