Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Class Topics: 10.16.12

In Math Six today, students in second period completed Day Two of the Unit Two Post-test.
During fourth period in Math Six, we analyzed common mistakes for our Unit Two assessment by viewing a Google Spreadsheet.  Students generated ideas of why mistakes were made and discussed exceptional answers for the pizza problem.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. compute products when multiplying decimals.  (Second Period)
  2. estimate sums, differences, quotients and products when working with decimals.  (Second Period)
  3. calculate quotients of whole numbers and decimal number dividends.  (Second Period)
  4. analyze student work samples.  (Fourth Period)
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. check your GBW account to see your updated grades.
  2. post a mathematical comment dealing with the graph below.  (Fourth Period)
  3. complete Khan Skill: Equation Intuition.  (Fourth Period) 
Class Average: 84%
Average Growth: Pre vs Post: 48 Percentage Points
HR 41 Editorial Infographic showing gender of contributors
How does this deal with

In Pre-Algebra today, students were introduced to Lesson 3-2: Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers. The skills consisted of adding and subtracting both decimals and fractions with common denominators.
Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  1. add and subtract rational numbers.  
  2. give an example of an addition problem that involves simplifying an improper fraction.
  3. explain why seven-ninths + seven-ninths does not equal fourteen-eighteenths.  
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. complete pages 119 and 120: numbers 23 through 41 odd 45 (all) through 54.


  1. In looking at your unit 2 pre and post-test assessment double bar graph, it seems you've kept the same student scores together, right? If so, it looks if every student demonstrated growth and that there was a wide range of growth. I wonder if there are commonalities in those students who demonstrate the most amount of growth (and the opposite, too).

  2. the picture deals with math by displaying what kind of genre and how much each gender writes about the catagories

    Z squared

  3. This picture has to do with math because it is a double bar graph and it is a pictograph.


  4. This picture has to deal with math because it shows how much more they do of it.

    Little J

  5. Mr. Giomini

    The double bar graph relates to math. The reason it relates to math is because it shows how much of something in line for the longer it is the more it is. Also how high the people in their height like the lines in the back round.


  6. This Graph has to do with math because... its a pictograph comparing to different genre's!

    Jaeger :)

  7. This graph has to do with mathematics because it is telling you about the genders and genres what they like to wright about.


  8. the picture of the two people has to do with math because one person is taller then the other

  9. This picture has to do with math because it is a graph and it shows comparing by showing who likes something more.


  10. This graph relates to math because on each bar it shows what the different genders like to right about.


  11. this graph deals with math because it is a graph and is showing a percentage of what they write about


  12. This graph has to do with math because the people are made of shapes like circles,rectangles, and triangles.You can convert the number of contributes into fractions, decimals, percents. You can measure the height of the people and infer which one is higher than the other. The intervals could be going up by 10 and numbers and shapes have to do with math.


  13. This picture has to do with math because it shows the hieght of the boy and girl and shows what they like to write about

    GRANEY ;)

  14. this picture has to do with math because it could be a baragraph or a pictograph and it also has to do with percentages that is how you can tell that the boy and the girl both write about fiction the most


  15. This graph has to do with math because it deals with the height of the people and a pictograph.


  16. this picture has to deal with math because it is a pictograph and it shows the percent of what boys and girls like to do best.

    silly mustache :)

  17. The picture relates to math because it shows what genres a boy or girl like to read.It compares them.

    Matt F.

  18. this graph has to do with math because its a pictograph comparing to different genre's


  19. The graph of the to people have to do with math beacausee they are showing you how many different genders like to write about different genre's and yea.


  20. This demonstrates math because using math you could find the fractions and percents of the graph.
    ~Bails ;)

  21. This has to do with math because you could convert the number of genres into fractions, decimals and percents.

