Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Class Topics: 08.22.12

In Math Six and Pre-Algebra today, we discussed and completed a logic puzzle called a Shikaku.  After some modeling, the students developed and listed strategies that could be utilized to solve these logic puzzles.  Mr. Giomini then introduced a different type of logic puzzle called a Hashiwokakero.  We did not discuss strategies, but there is a video below that will assist in solving the puzzle.

Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. develop two to three strategies that they created to help in solving a Hashiwokakero.
  2. explain and list their strategy using paper and pencil.
For  Evening Practice, student CAN...
  1. complete at least one of the Hashiwokakero logic puzzles.
  2. explain and list two to three strategies that they used to assist them in solving the Hashiwokakero.  


  1. Mr. Giomini,
    I played Akari and thought it was a little tricky. I enjoyed it though. I liked how the light bulbs were perpendicular and you couldn't have any shinning at each other and yet, you needed to illuminate all the squares. I think the game is enjoyable and difficult too. So i recommend it to people who think they would like something like that...

    Patrick Pre-algebra

  2. mr.Giomini

    i played hitori. it is very fun once you know the rules. it can bee a chalenge even on an easy puzzle.
    colin (pre alg)
