Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Class Topics: 05.29.12

In EDM today, students began to wrap-up the final two days of Mathematics by exhibiting their knowledge of prior units in a game of Jeopardy.  The game will take place over the course of two days which will essentially conclude their time in Sixth Grade Mathematics due to our scheduled events on Thursday and Friday.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. translate word phrases into algebraic expressions and equations.
  2. solve one and two-step equations.
  3. use algebraic reasoning to solve story problems.
  4. collaborate with peers to work in a team setting.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. reflect on the year and leave Mr. Giomini one last post about their time in Sixth Grade Mathematics.

In Pre-Algebra today,  students completed a Google Form for Mr. Giomini that provides him feedback on the type of teacher he was this year.  Mr. Giomini will then reflect on this information and use it to become a better teacher of Mathematics next year and beyond.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. reflect on the school year in Mathematics and provide Mr. Giomini with accurate information about his teaching practices.
  2. use the Khan links listed below to get additional practice with Chapter Ten skills.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. practice the Khan Skills began in class to become proficient.


  1. Mr. Giomini
    I think everything you did was awesome but when you buy dounuts you should buy everyone some for not just one class.

    Ian stewart

    1. Thats not really that deep Ian. I think Mr. Giomini was looking more for a in depth response. Having doughnuts in class was not a highlight for the year.

      -MoMo :p

  2. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    I thought you were a great teacher this year and last year because you would always help me if I would be confused on something. You always make the whole class laugh and I hope I will remember these years forever. I will miss you next year, and visit you sometimes. I think you should continue giving out the pre-algebra tests so your students next year will start to get ready for the skill level that is expected at Learwood. You were the best teacher I have ever had and I will definitely miss you next year. Thanks for a great year, you also helped me reach my goal for 6th grade math, an -A. Thanks!

  3. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    I enjoyed both of the years I had you as a teacher. My parents always tell me your so lucky to have a great math teacher. When I found out I had you in 6th grade too I was beyond happy in so many ways. You have made a huge impact on my life and helped me so much in math. I hope you can have both of my siblings coming up and maybe my cousin next year. I dont know how to word all of the stuff I want to say to you. But these are just a couple of my thoughts. Thanks so much for making my 5th and 6th grade years at troy so much fun! Thanks Mr. Giomini and I wish the best for you in the future. I hope my parents request for my little brother and sister to have you so they can experience what I got to experience in my 5th and 6th grade year. Thanks again!

    Yours Truely,

  4. Mr. giomini i am very glad i have had you as a teacher youm have taght me how to escape any situation and i thank you for that it has been an honor to be your student i hope you can harass my brother hes coming to troy. thanks mr giomini

    Luke Szabo

  5. Dear Mr. giomini through out the year i have had a great time.You really helped me with my grades a lot. I started with ok grades then the dropped. But you helped me get them back up to my A range.I know i was a little out of control in the beginning of the year but as well as learning math i learned how to be more respectful towards others. I am really happy that I did end up with you as my teacher because it actually made my school year go by easier. Also I am thankful for all the retakes you gave me for the math test. Thank you so much for a great and fun year Mr. giomini.


  6. I think that this was my best overall year as a student. I really think that you helped me a lot, because at the beginning of the year I was a little nervous with my first math test grade. I am very happy I improved on my report card through out the year with your help. I have never had a teacher work as much as you do. Thank you for the best year ever.

  7. Mr Giomini,
    These past 2 years have been wonderful. You have been a great teacher. You have really helped me with learning 5th and 6th grade mathematics. You really helped me from not like math that much to it being my favorite class everyday. You always find a way to make math fun and I've really enjoyed that. Thank you for being such a great teacher the past two years.


  8. Mr. Giomini
    I am very happy that I was in your class this year. You are very supportive and make everything that we learned easy to learn and remember. Some things were a little challenging, but everybody needs a challenge once in a while.

    Mathematics were great, and it is now my favorite subject. We learned many things this year.

    Thanks for being an amazing teacher, and I will never forget you and your teachings :).
    Schvatz :D :) :p

  9. Mr. Giomini
    I was happy to have you as a teacher this year. I know I did not all ways work as hard as I could, but you always helped me and supported me by challenging me to be the best I could. You have been one of my favorite teachers. You were always funny but serious when you had to be.

    In relentless pursuit of excellence


  10. Mr. Giomini has been a wonderful teacher for the past 2 years here at Troy. He always helps you through your down and pats you on the back during your ups. Some of the tests were easy and some were hard but the ones you got wrong were usually just simple mistakes on a little specific calculation error, but they're not impossible to do, because they, he, would never do that. One thing he could improve on is not getting sidetracked so much and get to the math and just take up some of the time with jokes and stuff because it is hard to be serious for 50 min, but just some less time on a subject not pertaining to math. Also when he yells at you I think you can yell then keep making comments on it all day, It is not bad to yell at someone for doing something bad but just yell at them and leave it at that and end it. Mrs. Demko and you have been hands down the best pair of teachers I have ever had. Thanks for the amazing great years of teaching. Best math teacher, from Evan Taylor

  11. I think that you are a fun teacher and tell funny story's in class. You are good at teaching math too, because I got 100.41% in math. This year was really fun and I enjoyed class because you don't have too much restrictions during math. And though I didn't have you last year I think I would have liked being you'r student for two years.


  12. Mr. Giomini,
    Thank-you for everything you have done for me, you have made a huge impact on my life. You are someone I look up to and see as a really great person. I really wish I could stay at Troy, I mean this is the school I started at, here. Thank-you for helping me through some of my sixth grade year.

  13. Dear Mr.Giomini,

    I have had a great year working with you. You have tought me great and wonderful things throughout the year. I truley believe that was you who help me excel through the year. I have hade a AWESOME year with you and you are a very great teacher.


  14. Well Mr.Giomini i think you are a good teacher because you devote a lot of hours to all of your student's and you never give up on us. You also make learning fun an example learning the number properties. I don't really think there is anything bad about you. Now my 5th grade year well i know you really didn't like me that much then cause I didn't use my real knowledge and as you said I just wanted answers last year but this year i want to learn how to get those answers. One more thing I on day you will see me in the NFL and Jivan and Josh not so much Taylor though.

    1. Really Zech? You don't know that I won't be in the NFL! I'm good at football, and a lot of people know that! Hahah thanks!

    2. There is like a 1% chance of getting into the NFL. So Zach is probably right Taylor.

  15. Dear Mr.Giomini,
    You've been such a great math teacher.I do not think you need to change your teachings in any other way because praticly every student in the school likes the way you teach, serious when the situation calls for it, but always dash a bit of humor to bring a smile to everyones faces.
    -Maxwell Wittman

  16. Dear Mr.Giomini,
    I wanted to tell you that I had a great two years with you. Last year I only had you for mathematics but it was more fun having you for homeroom this year. I liked the year with you because you are funny and you are always playing the games in gym with us. You are the only teacher i have ever had who actually spends time with the students other then in class. Mrs. demko spent some time with us outside of class like on the playground and when we went bowling but not as much time as you spent with us. I am sad that i have to leave and go to learwood but i will always have some good memories from the year with you. Have a good summer Mr.Giomini.
    Patrick kopp

  17. Mr.Giomini,
    I wanted to tell you that you helped me with a lot of things this year. You also are really funny and i like all the nicknames you gave my class this year. I also like how you can be funny then serious. Thank you for making this year really fun!
    Zoey Viancourt

  18. Mr.Giomini,

    I just wanted to say you are one of the greatest teachers I have ever had. You are kind,thoughtful,smart, and funny. You have made me a better student and much better at math. So, honestly I don't see anything you could approve with.


  19. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    I felt that you were an awesome teacher this year, and last year. You were kind but had a hard side, witch is a good thing when it comes to teachers with students that come from Troy (not all students bad). You did a great job keeping the kids focused during class. Lots of students say you are their favorite teacher because of your humor and your great personality. I liked how you gave most people nick names, it made the class more fun and outgoing. I love how you call me Term, witch is short for Terminator. It's funny because I don't look that dangerous. Also, I like the amount of homework you give us. Not too much and not too little. You also mix it up by letting us do our homework on your blog, and printing out our own worksheets. It's also nice that you help students during advisory and the lunch period with their homework and other questions. I'll miss you next year! I'll be sure to visit you sometime. Maybe you'll have my sister, Rachel, in 2015-2016.

    My name will always be,

  20. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    You are the best math teacher I've had. You always tell jokes and you always make math class fun. Whenever somebody is stuck on a problem your always there to help. I think your the best at preparing us for a test. I especially like when you bring in donuts. You are probably the funniest teacher I've had. Thanks for teaching me this year and have a great summer.

  21. Dear Mr Giomini,
    I really enjoyed math this year.You are the best math teacher that I have ever had because you really care about all of your students.I have some really funny memories from this year. Thank you for spending so much time with me outside of class during recess,and advisory helping me prepare for tests, help with homework,etc.I will miss you next year and thanks for all of your help this year.

  22. Dear Mr.Giomini,

    I honestly think that you are an amazing math teacher. Also you have helped me succeed with math and you have taught me how to answer questions that I did not know how to answer.I am also sure that your other students would agree that you are an amazing math teacher.

    Fandah Alawi

  23. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    This was my second year with you as a teacher, and I'm so glad. You are really a great teacher, and overall a great person. I am going to be so sad when I will have to leave Troy and not be able to have you, as well as the other teachers here, helping me. I really don't think you need to change the way you teach. This year I started out doing well, but then I fell back a little and you really helped me get my grades back up. I think having so many tools on the blog, and all the videos you make, really help us. Thank you so so much for everything you have done for me.

    I'll miss you,

  24. Mr. Giomini,
    I thought that you were an awesome math teacher.I don't think you need to change because you are a really good teacher!


  25. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    I think you were the best teacher at this school because you don't stop helping some one until they get it and your really funny. I'm going to miss you because you helped me and you made me have a fun math class. I don't think you should change on how you teach, your doing a great job of teaching. Have a great career and summer.

  26. Mr. Giomini,
    I really enjoyed this year because you make math seem fun. This is because i can come to you if I have a question and you pick on people which makes me laugh. I would also like to say that you are the best math teacher in the world. I will visit you next year and years beyond. Thank you for the best year of math ever. Thank you.


  27. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    This has been a different kind of math year for me. I have never had a math teacher that has devoted this much time to the success of his students. If any student and/or teacher were to look back at your blog they would probably be amazed. Waking up early and going to bed late for us is amazing. I enjoy the way you make math fun while keeping it educational. Usually, i have abhorrence for anything that involves math. However, this year i have found myself longing for third period. Thank you for a wonderful year and amazing personality,


  28. Mr. Giomini,

    i really think you were an awesome teacher! I don't think you need to change because you are a really great teacher!


  29. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    I know that i haven't been at Troy for so long but the time that I've been here I think that your an awesome teacher! You have taught me so much this month that I've been here!! I wish that I could've been at Troy for 5th grade when you taught 5th grade math! A lot of people have told me that you were the best teacher ever and I would've thought the same thing! Thank you so much!! Have a great summer Mr. Giomini!!
    Sincerely Taylor(:
    P.S. Zech Saffer, you don't know that I won't be in the NFL so don't say that!! I could be in it and who knows maybe I will but you won't hahah!!!(;

  30. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    I really enjoyed this school year. I thought math this year was challenging, but not too challenging, and easy but not too easy. You always find a way to make math fun and easier to understand. I have to say thankyou so much for helping me with things like homework or tests, creating both inspiring and funny memories that I can cherish forever, and most of all, for caring so much about, not just me, but every one of your students. All you wanted was for them to be prepared and ready for the future and the rest of their lives. Most of your students and my fellow peers did not realize any of this until the end of the year. Most of them saw you as a just another boring, old teacher. I myself thought of you as just another teacher at the beginning of the year. Although, as the year went on, I began to see you as much more than that. I realized how much you cared about every individual student and how you wanted to see all of us succeed. I know I say this every year and so does every one else, but you truly are one of the best teachers have ever had! I have so much more I could say to you, but I know I'll go on forever! So instead, I'll end with this: I will miss you soooooo much next year and hope to come back to visit!
    Thankyou for everything!

    Yours Truly,
    Anna W.

  31. Mr. Giomini,

    I have had an amazing two years with you as my math teacher. I have had sooo much fun in math and I NEVER thought I could have that much fun. I don't think you should change the way you teach. You have so many things on the blog that have helped me so much and you make math just...........awesome. Thank you for being such an amazing teacher and putting up with my craziness for two years in a row. Thank you.


  32. Dear Mr. Giomini thank you for a great year in math. You have been one of the best math teachers i have had. You make learning and math fun even when its not, and you put so much work into everything just for us. Thanks again,


  33. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    I enjoyed math class a ton this year. You are a very helpful teacher and very dedicated to helping your students. Thank you for going the extra mile to help us out. One thing I think would help for the next year students would be to spend a little more time reviewing each lesson. Thanks for making math class fun, and for a great year. You are a teacher to remember!

    Have a great summer,

  34. Mr. Giomini,
    Well this has been my second year now. You have truly helped me in mathematics. You created humor in class so math was much more fun and interesting, but also being serious when needed. You have been the best teacher I have ever had. Also I like how you gave us not to much homework but not to little. Homework is also better because of how you mix it up. Like sometimes on the blog and sometimes a worksheet. I also love how you posted the pre- test on the blog but no body looked at it. So you have nothing to improve on!


    P.S. if you get my brother next year call him butterfly jr.

  35. Mr Giomini,

    The year that I have spent with you will definitely be one to remember. You made this year and last with you my greatest out of all 6, and soon to be 7. It is incredible how much time and effort into us students. Don't think we take this stuff for granted, we really do recognize and remember if someone "Busts his Butt" for us. I love how you can keep a balance between fun and work, and still seem like you did nothing at all. My parents love how you are organized, clear, precise and really care about the people that you teach. And of course, you can't forget about those Nicknames!

    I bet by now you are expecting me to say something that you could improve on. Well, your wish has been fulfilled, because I have 1. This one comment is that you shouldn't always look at yourself as someone that needs to improve himself. Don't do that. You are already liked by over
    100 people, and that is just this year alone! Now I know that no one is perfect, and I understand that it is always good to try to improve yourself to be as close to perfect as possible, but you are already there. You have already relentlessly pursuited excellence. Don't deflate yourself. Pump yourself up. I hope this will both help and not offend you.

  36. Mr. Giomini,

    I think you are a different kind of math teacher in a good way, like you pick on us which makes us a stronger person! You make learning so much fun because I've always hated math but this year you changed that and I'm glad you did. I have nothing bad to say about you except when you get angry at the class you always use your daughter as an example and compare us to her by saying she has more common since or something like that than some of us and I'm not saying your daughter is stupid or anything but sometimes it gets annoying. Overall you are a very kind and funny person and you shouldn't change anything! Thank you for an outstanding year, I'll never forget this year!


  37. Mr. Giomini,

    I want to thank you for a great year. I am happy that I had you this year because I heard a lot from the years before about how great you are.As the year went on all the things people said were true. Even though you joke a lot we still learn a lot in each class time. I feel like I have done better in math after this year. You made sure to tell not just me but all your students how great they are and how they are good at math and that makes me feel good even when I don't feel like I am good at anything. You are a great math teacher but you are also a good person to everyone. Even though I didn't have you last year I feel like I did because I feel just like the people that had you for two years in a row. I wasn't a huge math fan but now I was happy to go to math class, and I feel I will do just fine (hopefully) in math next year!

    Thanks for the great year!
    Nora Meyer

  38. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    Thanks so much for all the help you have gave me and how much work you put in for your students. Everyday I look forward to comming to math class. I didn't really like the subject math, but you changed the view of it for me. You make Math Fun. Thank you soooo much.
    Olivia Jedlicka

  39. Well none of you will ever be in the NFL , so keep dreaming guys

    Evan Taylor

  40. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    This year you helped me prepare for next year at Learwood. You were very helpful when I didn't know how to do something you would help me and make sure that I got it. You also made math fun and exciting by your funny jokes and jumping on top of the deskes. Mr. Goimini you are a great math teacher and a great person. Thank you so much for this great year. Thank you again.


  41. Dear Mr. Giomini

    I respect you in a major way because you always seem like you actually enjoy your job even if your upset with somebody. I truly don't think you need to change because if you teach next year like you have this year everything will go fine. It has always seemed like you really care about all your students because your the only teacher I have ever seen that actually goes above and beyond. Most other teachers seem like they really don't care about the actual students unlike you. I really appreciate you spending time with me at recsess to help me with math so I'm prepared for a upcoming test. I also want to say thank you for all the CDs.


  42. Mr. Giomini,
    I had an amazing year with you as a math teacher. you made everything fun while teaching us new things. The videos you posted on the blog really helped me this year. Every day I have been looking forward to math class. Math was my favorite subject this year. it is amazing how you get out of your way to try and help us do better in math. thank you so much, and have a great summer!!


  43. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    I have been honored to have you as a teacher for these past two years. You are a very generous, talented and honorable man. I would like to thank you for all the extra help and just all the pep talks. Though on Friday was a tough day for some of us girls, I would also like to thank you for all the nice things you said to me. It really helped. I know you are wanting us to tell you what could make you a better teacher for next year, but to be honest, you don't need to change a single thing. These past two years have really been a good step up for me, and probably for some others too. You have been a really awesome teacher and I will greatly miss you next year. (I will make sure to stop by once in a while). One last thing, my mother would also like to thank you for all the things you have taught me. Considering she can't help me with any of my math homework. That doesn't really matter though. I hope you have a wonderful summer!

    Thank You very much,
    MoMo :p

  44. hi mr giomini
    i think i had a great time this year i had god times and bad times easy times and hard times you are probably one of the best teachers i had in my life keep up your good work


  45. I thougth I wrote alot but I guess not. I really am going to miss you and you have been my favorite teacher! Dont be suprised if you get an email from me in the future. You mean alot to me and my education and I would probably be thinking so highly of you as on of the best teachers actually the best teacher i ever had and I probably will invite you to my graduation and put you in as one of the best teachers I have ever had and the one who made the most of and impact on my life.

    Yours Truely,


  46. Mr. Giomini,

    I have another thing to say. I can tell you really care about your students because you are the only teacher that cares enough to give some if not all of your students nicknames and I thank you for all of the extra help, it helped me a lot!

    ~ Tortie ~

  47. Dear Mr.Giomini

    I had a great time this year you were a great teacher this year so keep up the good work. you have prepared
    me for next year. The students you have next year will me lucky to have you. Have a great summer.


  48. Mr Giomini

    You are the awesomest teacher in the world! there is nothing i didn't like about your class. its too bad that i don't get to see you next school year.YOU ARE AN AWESOME TEACHER!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cat Girl

  49. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    I haven't really had a better math year other then this one, so thanks for that. You teach with good methods and have fun while doing it. Most teachers don't use as much humor as you do, let alone sarcasm. Thank you SO MUCH for putting up with me, I bet I've been a nightmare. This is probably the longest paragraph I've ever written. But anyways, I hope you have an awesometacular fantastical summer, and I hope you do okay without Luke or Pufferfish.

    Thanks once again,
    Captain Jack Sparrow

  50. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    You have been my all-time favorite teacher for the past two years(SO TRUE). You have been VERY INSPERATIONAL. I never used to like mathematics, but you switched that around for me, and now I can never wait for what is coming the next time I walk through your classroom doors. I enjoy your enthusiasm and especially the nicknames you give everyone (although mine has been changed several times...ha ha)I wish your were going to transfer to Learwood because I will dearly miss you. What I like about you most is that you never give up, you always continue trying to become a better teacher, but that's IMPOSSIBLE!!!! You can never mess up, and that's because you are you! Your a hero to me like Batman is a hero to all... I think... Your my ROLE MODEL!!! Mr Giomini, you can never be replaced by any other teacher. You are always devoting your time to us for extra help. You are always there for us when we fall. I know this post is supposed to be what we liked about Mathematics this year and what you can do better, but SORRY, you've got nothing to change! I do have SOME advice for you though... TRY NOT TO SCARE THE NEW 6TH GRADERS WHEN THEY MOVE UP, OR ANY OF THE NEW 5TH GRADERS... just kidding:D (SCARE THEM!!!!) Enjoy your summer with your family! Oh, and don't worry I will come back to visit PLENTY of times. I WILL MISS YOU!!!!


  51. Not only you are the best teacher that I have ever had, but you most likely will be the best teacher that I will ever have. I have had you for 2 years and I like you because you believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself. It seems that you are the only true teacher that has pushed me and cared about me as much as you had. I can’t think about any negative things because everything you do turns out good in the long run. Thank you so much for what you have done my 5 grade year and my 6 grade year. I wonder what learwood would be without you.


  52. Mr.giomini,
    I really enjoyed having you as a teacher this year you have helped many kids succeed this year from coming in in the morning and getting extra help at recess . Truly I have never had a teacher like you who is so helpful to us . You have also made math more easier for me by posting blog videos and post of what we learned. Thanks so much for having a great year

  53. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    This year was very fun. You helped me with a lot of things when I was having trouble with. My most favorite thing about is you always make math class fun. Thank you for making this year very amazing(:<3

  54. Mr.Giomini,
    It has been a great first year at Troy.You always lighten the mood in mathematics.Plus you were always there for use when we needed help.Here is a piece of advice to being a better teacher, maybe you should not harass kids.That is all i have to say. Oh, and take it easy on the 5th graders.
