Friday, May 18, 2012

Class Topics: 05.18.19

In EDM today, students utilized the skills that they have been practicing with for the last two plus weeks to complete the Chapter Eight Summative Post-test dealing with percents.  This chapter and assessment comes from Troy's Pre-Algebra curriculum.  Grades should be posted on GBW by tomorrow morning.
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. calculate the missing value in a percent problem.
  2. solve one-step equations.
  3. write equivalent percents, decimals and fractions.
  4. substitute given values into a formula.
For Weekend Practice, the student CAN...
  1. reflect on their Chapter Eight Summative Post-test by checking on GBW for the grade and comments that Mr. Giomini posts based on their assessment results.  
  2. enjoy the wonderful weather and rest up for your final nine days as a Troy student.
In Pre-Algebra today, students received their Chapter Ten Formative Pre-tests back from Mr. Giomini.  Remember, the pre-test do not count against our grade, but rather show us what we might already know in this chapter.  As indicated by our class average, which you can find out on GBW, we should be excited to learn about Chapter Ten: More Equations and Inequalities.

During class, we began Lesson 10-1: Solving Two-Step Equations.  This lesson took us back to Chapters One and Two of our curriculum for a little review before we delve into the more complex material of the chapter.  Problems from this lesson included:        p/4 + 5 = 13     1.8 = -2.5m - 1.7     k + 4/9 = 6     9r + 12 = 75
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. determine which operation: addition, subtraction, multiplication or division is needed to undo something in the equation.
  2. isolate variables to one-side of an equation.
  3. solve for given variable.
  4. check their solution by substituting in their answer back into the original equation.
For Weekend Practice, students CAN...
  1. utilize their Guided Notes from Lesson 10-1 to complete problems 1 - 35 odd on pages 500 - 501 using the Google Form.
Our Famous Classmate is in Gotye.

Final Class Average = 91.3%

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