Friday, April 20, 2012

Class Topics: 04.20.12

In EDM and Pre-Algebra today, students completed OAA Probe IV.  This was the final OAA Probe that students are to take.  
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. implement test-taking strategies when reading and answers assessment questions.
For Weekend Practice, students CAN...
  1. view one or all of the videos posted below.
  2. post a comment about the video you viewed and how it connects with your mindset heading into the OAAs.  

No Excuses
My Better
Just Do It
Movie Motivations
Greats who were once 
labeled failures
Be a Leader


  1. Mr. Giomini,
    I think you would be able to use this in the O.A.A.s because the message of this video is saying that you can do it. I think i can dominate this test too.

  2. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    The video called "no excuses" can relate to someone who is taking the OAA because the person may make an excuse that he or she can't answer the question in the OAA.


  3. Mr Giomini:

    I watched the Great Leaders Who Were Labeled Failures. This will help me during the O.A.A.'s because it makes me believe that
    I can do anything.


  4. I watched the No Excuses video. This can help me during the OAAs because if I come to a question I can't figure out, I can just remember that video and remember that there is no reason I should be making excuses; that I should just get it done.


  5. Mr.Giomini,
    I watched the video on the famous people that were told they couldn't do it. I thinks it's amazing that some of the most smart and great leaders were once told they were failures. This was inspiring and will help me on my OAAs.


  6. I watched them all and think every one of them makes me want to succeed on the OAAs. The JUST DO IT video shows athletes preparing for big moments in their sports careers, of which they have spent many of hours in order to get to the point that they are at. Every Troy student can relate to this, because we have prepared with tests, probes, and homework also taking multiple hours. The OAA is our big moment. Now is the time to prove ourselves, so just do it!


  7. Mr. Giomini I think that if the guy in the wheel chair doesn't complain and make excuses I think I can do it as well by doing very well on the OAA's.


  8. I watched the motivation video. This video made me believe that I can do anything if I set my mind to it. That is why I believe that I will ace the OAAs.


  9. The videos had my mind set to getting a good grade on the OAAs. The videos were inspirational to show me that I can do great on the OAA tests.

  10. Mr. Giomini,
    I watched the video " My Better Is Better." I think this will help me on the OAA's because it could help me realize that I'm better, and smarter than this test.


  11. The videos made me think that I can do this as long as I set my mind to it for the OAAs. This test is almost like any other test but just longer and I can do it thank you Mr. Giomini.

  12. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    I watched all of these videos and now I feel like I really am ready for the OAAs. Before I just felt like the probes were time consuming or meaningless but now I realize that I should be happy that teachers are taking the time to ensure a good grade on our OAA. These videos are so inspirational, just to know that people out there are taking a chance and not giving up can really change your perspective on some things. Thank you for posting these and giving us speeches in class.

    Cheesy Ninja

  13. I watched all of the videos, and I found they were about motivation, doing something, dealing with it/no excuses and recognizing your strengths. I feel that this could be a good motivation for someone who is scared about the OAAs. I feel I will do great on the math and language arts test.


  14. I watched the 1st and 3rd video and i had my mind set on how there are no excuses while taking the OAA`s. If I think I can`t, i will still try to do it.


  15. I watched several of the videos, but the one that was my favorite was the one about leaders. Despite the fact I loved the quotes and the connections it made with famous people in history, I can't seem to quite connect it to how I can succeed in the OAA's coming up. One of the other videos I watched and was able to connect with was the "No excuses" one. Often times I'm confused about the difference between excuses and explanations. However, in this video and I can solidly say that every single statement he made was an excuse. I can definitely connect this to the OAA's. Thinking about Warhawk Matt Scott he probably, at some time in his life, had somebody tell him that he couldn't do it. All throughout the year you've been telling me that I doubt myself. This is true. Now, when I look at him, I get the feeling that he never doubted that he COULD do it. I'll have to keep that in mind for when we take the OAA's. Thanks.


  16. Mr. Giomini,
    I watched the motivation video. This video made me think that I can do anything but I have to put my mind to it. This video made me know that I will ace the OAAs.

  17. I watched all of the videos and the one that really connects with my mind set for the OAAsis the best motivation videoever with all of the name of the people. It told me that all of people were told that they couldn't do something but they proved those doubtful people wrong. That motivates me to do good on the test because it is just a piece of paper withwords and numbers on it trying to trick you.

  18. I watched the Just Do It video and no matter how big or small the challenge, if you live up to your potential you can achieve anything.


  19. I was able to watch all of the videos you posted. The first one was really the best to descirbe how people can act. During the OAA no one is really suposed to say, i can't do this, or this is to hard. Everyone is supposed to do their best!

    - MoMo :p

  20. Dear Mr.Giomini,

    I watched the motivation video. This video made me believe that i can do anything including doing really well on the OAA's.


  21. The first video represents never to give up even how hard it might be just keep trying.


  22. this will help me on the O.A.A's the "never give up" video just tells me to keep trying.


  23. The first nike video helps me on oerparing for the OAA's because it shows that we shouldn't have things to say when we have it all! It shows me that I can do anything I can set my mind too.!

    Dayna..(west side] =p

  24. Dear mr giomini, i saw that you have to risk to go places in life thank you for the motivational videos.


  25. Dear Mr.Giomini,
    Watched your videos and i now that whatever I put my mind to,I CAN DO!

    Maxwell Wittman

  26. Hello all i just wanted to say that the No Excuses video is a great video to show you that excuses are something that you shouldent use because if a person with no legs can accomplitsh there dream anyone can accomplith there dream. After seeing the videos and all i think i can accomplish my goal and mabey even over achieve it like 100%. I hope you enjoyed my responce!

    Volks & The people who made "No Excuses"

  27. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    the video that is about no excuses helps me with the OAAs because it is telling me that you can do anything if you put your mind to it just like was playing basketball and he was not able to walk.

    Skufca :D

  28. Thank you for posting the motivational videos. Now I think I am more confident for the OAAs. I am definitively more mentally prepared for the Ohio Achievement Assessment. I usually get nervous before any game, test or event. But for the OAAs, I think I am not as nervous, even though this is a big test. But my favorite video that you posted was the Warhawk Matt Scott, No Excuses video. The reason why I think that the Warhawk Matt Scott video was the best is because it makes me to notice that I should be grateful for what we have.

    Young Pham A.K.A not to old but not to young

  29. This video i just watched taught me that you should keep trying and that is what i will do on the tests.

  30. the video i just watched was telling me to never give up and that is what i plan to do on the tests

  31. I watched most of the videos and I think that they all are good motivation for the OAAs. They tell you to never give up and to not make any excuses. Thank you for posting these videos. I now have a better understanding of how I should act as I am taking the OAAs.


  32. the videos are all saying something along the lines of don't make excuses and do your best.

  33. For the second video, I know that I can do more but I don't think that zi am doing my best.


  34. The No Excuses video shows how all that time your making excuses you could achive your goal. Since he was saying all these excuses he was playing basketball in a wheelchair. So don't make excuses just try your best on the OAA.

    Chase Burgess

  35. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    Amazing. Absolutely amazing videos. These videos really pumped me up for the OAA's and I feel like I will do 200% better than what I originally thought. My favorites were the motivational movie quotes and the leaders who have failed. They were amazing. I loved them.


  36. I watched each of the videos, but the one I found the most motivating was the "Greats Who Were Once Labeled Failures." I think so because all of these people were told that they couldn't do it and would fail, but they ignored them and kept trying. They were successful and still motivate others to try your best and keep trying even if they are told they can't do it. One of the other videos I was very motivated by was the leaders video. This video shows that a leader is not just someone who is good at something themselves, but helps others to get better as well. After watching these videos I feel I can get very good scores on the tests and improve my knowledge from last year.


  37. Mr. Giomini,
    I watched the second to last video. It told m that I can do things right, even if someone else does does not agree with me.

  38. I think I watched all of the videos, and they all gave really good messages.One of the videos tells you to not give excuses. Some of kids who get bad grades say, "I didn't get a lot of sleep, so I didn't do good on the test.", or "I was having a really bad day.", etc. You shouldn't make up excuses for careless work. A lot of the videos also said that you can do anything with hard work and being determined. This connection is that on the OAAs, as long as you are focused, keep your mind on the test, and double check your work you can ace the test.

  39. Mr.Giomini,

    These videos match up with what I have to do on the test by: I must never give up or make an excuse, and always try my hardest.


  40. For the first video "no excuses" it got me thinking that there is no excuse for not exceeding in the OAA. To think that he still plays basketballo for fun without legs.
    From: Jared W.

  41. The video "no excuses" taught me that I can and will succeed at the OAA, there is no excuse for me to not dominate this test!


  42. I watched all the videos but I liked "Best Motivation Video Ever" because it showed that even when great figures were doubted they just didn't care and did the unthinkable. They didn't let anyone put them down. The other one that I liked was the "No Excuses" one because I tend make excuses a lot and it shows that you can do anything and that there is no excuse for not exceeding expectations.

    Frank N' Beans ♥

  43. I think most of these remind me to get prepared for the OAA's by getting a good night sleep and eating a good breakfast. These videos helped motivate me.

  44. I watched the "No Excuses" video. I think that this relates to the OAA's because if you get a question wrong, there aren't really any excuses. You must have not used any strategies or did not go back into the text in order to find your answer. I never like to use excuses (even though I might have several times) because there is obviously a real reason for why you got a question wrong. :):):)

  45. The first video teaches you to never make excuses. It also teaches you to never give up. You just have to try hard and you will accomplish so much more. And you will exceed the OAA's if you take your time and use the strategies.
    - Bowers

  46. These videos pumped me up for the tests. Now I will do much better on the tests. Thank you.


  47. These videos where very inspiring and thoughtful. It show me on the OAA's that you should never give up don't make any excuses and don't let anyone tell you you can't do something, I noticed that I CAN do anything if I out my heart in to it and I never doubt my and that you have to trust you instincts. Thanks you for the video's!


  48. I watched Just Do It. It shows that you can do it. This will help me because it shows me that I can do it!


  49. All these videos are very inspirational for testing week. Now I have inspiration and will have no reason but to do great on the OAA's!


  50. I think that the movie motiavations was the most inspiring video because it tells you to follow and protect your dreams. I also liked the video of the greats that were labled failures. Although, I didn't really get how it was going to help us.

    Mom: You rock Mr. Giomini! These are a very good inspirational and motivation message for the kids of the future.

    Umm.... thanks for the message.

    Dichosa :D

  51. I watched the are you a leader? video this will help me with the OAA's because this video will help me take all the bad test grades I had and want me to do better.


  52. These videos are very inspiring, my brother and sister were watching and said that's really great motovation for the OAA's, I thought that too. I think I am a leader and most of my friend are too, somtimes they give me great edvice. This shows that even leaders can fail, but like it said in one video that if you've never fail, you haven't lived. But great inspiration before the OAA's. Thanks.


  53. I watched several video's and i feel a lot better for the oaa's. Thanks

  54. I watched all of these videos, there were some very good points such as making excuses will never help you, it only hides your true potential, and shows you don't want to work hard. I will note this week during OAA's not to make excuses, but to try my hardest and put effort into it, rather than being lazy. I especially liked the video with great people such as Thomas Edison being told that they were stupid, lacked skill or ability, or would never succeed. They used this to try harder, and succeed. This shows that even if people say you're not good enough, you can still become successful through hard work and effort. Thank you for posting these videos before testing, sorry I replied so late.


  55. I really liked the one on successful people and their failures, because it showed me that everybody fails but thats something you can try again and build off of.


  56. I watched the video about very successful people who had failed at points in their life. This video helped me to realize that nobody is perfect and everyone fails sometimes. Those failures help us to realize what skills we can practice and get better at to become a more successful person in life. This was my favorite video!


  57. I watched the excuses video and how that ca help me in the OAA'S by like you said there is not one question I don't know on the OAA's so there should be now excuse for me making dumb mistakes.

    Count Mustachula.

  58. Mr.Giomini,
    These videos really made me inspired to do well on the test. It also showed that everyone can do it you just have to believe in yourself and you have to accomplish this task. Thanks for the videos


  59. I liked all of the videos but my favorite one was the No Excuses. If you give someone an excuse your saying to them that you are not trying hard to solve a problem. During this week for he OAA's I will promise to try my best and put forth no excuses. All these videos were inspiration to me. Thank you for posting them!


  60. I looked at the Fail video. I think this video was motivational because although those people all failed a few times, they know one day they will get it right. I think I am ready for the OAA's.


  61. Mr. Giomini the motivation video was hands down my favorite video. It was inspirational, moving, and gave me motivation for sure! Thanks for these fantastic videos

    Armenian Assasin

  62. The first video was inspiring because if he doesn't complain and he can't even walk, then that means that we shouldn't complain about anything!!

  63. The first video was inspiring because if he doesn't complain and he can't even walk, then that we shouldn't complain about anything!!

    -Taylor S. (:

  64. Hey Mr. Giomini, sorry this is so late, it will not happen again. My favorite video was the motivation video. My rational for this is was that all those historic men and women fell down, like everyone does, but they got back up and achieved their goal and never gave up, which is why they are so famous and well-known today. This video reminded me of the video you made for me because we all know I have fell down but I have got back up tried to achieve the goal I started, with no room at all for giving up. This motivates me for the OAA's because on a question I do not quit on it and give up, rather I finish the other questions and with the leftover time I go back to that question, try as hard as I can to complete that particular question.

  65. Mr. Giomini I liked the My Better the best out of all the videos. I like it because they are working there best on there athletcs and that gives me the motivation to do good on the O.A.A.'s.

