Thursday, March 22, 2012

Class Topics: 03.22.12

In EDM today, students reviewed their homework from last night with Mr. Giomini so understanding could be clarified.  Lesson 7.6: Venn Diagrams was introduced by completing Math Journal 264 as a whole class.  Students then selected a partner to work for seven minutes to collaborate on Math Journal 265.
Today's Learning Intentions are: The student will be able to...
  1. interpret information presented in a Venn Diagram.
  2. create a Venn Diagram comparing data.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. complete SL 7.5.  (Click HERE to print out a copy.)
  2. complete Math Journal 266.
  3. complete Math Box 7.6.

In Pre-Algebra today, students discussed last night's homework which was Problem Solving 8.1 and 8.2.  Chapter Eight's Formative Pretest was handed back to the students to use as a reference tool as we begin Chapter Eight - Percents.  The class average was a 42% which is good.  Once the homework and pretest were reviewed, we completed Probe II.  The purpose of Probe II was to prepare ourselves for the upcoming Ohio Achievement Assessments which will be administered in April.

Before Probe II, students viewed a video that encouraged them to implement various test-taking strategies.  Students were allowed thirty minutes to complete Probe II which consisted of: four multiple choice, one short answer and one extended response.  Tomorrow and Monday, students will conference with Mr. Giomini to discuss strengths and weakness that were exhibited on Probe II.  Look for the score on GBW.  
Today's Learning IntentionsThe students will able to...
  1. implement test-taking strategies to effectively complete their Second Probe.
For Evening Practice, students CAN...
  1. view the videos posted below to help with future Chapter Eight topics.
  2. complete Reteach and Problem Solving 8.3.  (Click HERE to receive a copy.)

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