Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Class Topics: 02.07.12

In EDM, students worked with Lesson 6.2: Dividing Fractions which was a nice follow-up to yesterdays lesson on multiplying mixed numbers and reciprocals.  Before the lesson began, students calculated four mixed number problems that were pulled from yesterday's lesson and one dividing of fractions that was pulled from last night's video that was assigned as homework.
In class, students...
  • completed a Quick Check by calculating products for mixed numbers.
  • calculated answers to Math Message and compared answers with a peer.
  • explained the Division Property Algorithm.
  • collaborated with a peer to work on MJ209.
  • developed effective explanations for questions 21 and 22 on MJ209.
For homework, students SHOULD...
  • complete the remainder of MJ 209 in not completed in class.
  • complete MJ 210.
  • present RAFT Writing Activity by 02.10.12.  (1st and 3rd Period ONLY!)
  • work on Khan Skill.  (Complete by Friday.)  
    • Dividing Fractions
      • positive * positive = positive
      • negative * negative = positive
      • negative * positive = negative
      • positive * negative = negative

In Pre-Algebra, students worked with Lesson 6.8: Surface Area of Prisms and Cylinders.  This has been a challenging unit leading up to this lesson and will continue to present difficulties.  
In class, students...
  • completed a Quick Check dealing with the two problems presented below.
    • A cone has a radius of 4 cm and a height of 10 cm. What is the volume of the cone to the nearest cubic centimeter? Use 3.14 for p.
    • A triangular pyramid has a base area of 16 m2 and a height of 7.5 m. What is the volume of the pyramid?
  • examined the differences between lateral face and lateral surface.
    • Surface area is the sum of the areas of all surfaces of a figure. 
    • The lateral faces of a prism are parallelograms that connect the bases. 
    • The lateral surface of a cylinder is the curved surface.
  • practiced with examples from the book to develop a firmer understanding of the concept.
For homework, students SHOULD...
  • view the video posted below to review two previous volume skills and one new.
  • review the Power Point and Guided Notes from today.
  • complete pages 316 - 319: 1 & 2, 5 & 6, 9 - 14
Review and New
Explanation of the Origin 
of the Surface Area Formula
for a Cylinder

You may find this easier
than the book's explanation.
Surface Area for a Triangular Prism
Surface Area for a Cylinder