Monday, January 09, 2012

Class Topics: 01.09.12

In EDM, students were able to connect previous knowledge with our current topic of angle measures in Lesson 5.3: Using a Protractor to Make a Circle Graph.  Students reviewed how to convert fractions to decimals to percents and then applied their knowledge of circle graph construction with their knowledge of angle measures to use a protractor to develop a circle graph when given a table of information.
In class, students...
  • generated a list of new vocabulary from last week's work.
  • identified complements and supplements to various angle measures.
  • completed MJ169 and 170.
For homework, students will...
  • review the Guided Notes from Lessons 5.1 and 5.2.
  • complete Guided Notes for Lesson 5.3 using the example on the blog.
  • complete MJ171 and 172.
Which of the angles are Angle D's supplement?
What is Angle DCE's complement?

In Pre-Algebra, students worked with Lesson 5.8: Symmetry.  During this lesson, students brainstormed where examples of symmetry are found in nature.  We also drew the reflection of an object when given a line of symmetry.  Rotational symmetry was introduced which is something new from last year's understanding of symmetry.
In class, students...
  • brainstormed examples of symmetry in nature.
  • created lines of symmetry on different objects.
  • examined new vocabulary for the lesson.
  • completed Guided Notes of Lesson 5.8.
For homework, students should...
  • complete problems: 5, 7, 11, 13-16, and 17(all parts)
  • review Guided Notes for lessons 5.4 and 5.5.
Can you identify the lines of symmetry and what
this is a picture of from nature?
Symmetry in Nature

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