Thursday, January 05, 2012

Class Topics: 01.05.12

In EDM, students were introduced to Lesson 5.1: Measuring and Drawing Angles.  Students used protractors to both measure angles and construct angles to a given degree.  The class identified different types of angles and estimated angle measures before using protractors to validate their estimates.  
In class, students...
  • discussed last night's homework.
  • identified and measured angles on MJ162.
  • constructed two angles when given a specific degree measure on MJ163.
For homework, students should...
  • complete MB 5.2 (numbers 3 - 6).
  • visit Khan Academy to complete the the skill listed below:
  • view the video below to prepare for tomorrow's lesson.

In Pre-Algebra, students used properties of congruent figures to solve problems.  Both congruent and corresponding angles and sides were introduced.  The method of labeling shapes and how to correctly label a corresponding shape were examined.
In class, students...
  • discussed strategies to help improve future assessment accuracy.
  • completed Guided Notes for Lesson 5.6:Congruence.
For homework, students should...
  • complete problems 6 - 11, 14 - 16, and 22 - 26 on pgs 250 - 253.
Extra Practice:
Which sides and angles are congruent?  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the video Mr. Giomini. I did not get it at first but I replayed it, then it was clear.
