Monday, December 19, 2011

Class Topics: 12.19.11

In EDM, students completed the second part of their Unit Four Summative Assessment.  The skills assessed on the post-test included:

  • creating equivalent fractions.
  • calculating sums, differences and products for fractions and mixed numbers.
  • converting fractions to decimals to percents.
  • compute the specific percent of a given number.
  • illustrate how multiplying two fractions produces a specific product.
In class, students...
  • reviewed questions prior to the assessment.'
  • completed the Unit Four Summative Assessment.
For homework, students should...
  • enjoy a night off.
In Pre-Algebra, students began lesson 5.5: Coordinate Geometry.  This lesson introduced the students to finding the slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines.  

In class, students...
  • completed the Warm Up that reviewed previously covered material from Lesson 5.4.
  • viewed the video below to help introduce the concept of slope.
  • worked to complete the Guided Notes for Lesson 5.5.
For homework, students should...
  • complete Reteach and Practice 5.5.

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