Thursday, December 15, 2011

Class Topics: 12.15.11

In EDM, students reviewed questions from the Unit Four Pretest and discussed areas of concern leading into tomorrow's Unit Four Summative Assessment.
In class, students...
  • analyzed common mistakes on material that was covered during Unit Four.
  • discussed ways in which they have been preparing for the assessment.
  • generated questions that they have about tomorrow's assessment.
For homework, students should...
  • view videos on the blog to help prepare for tomorrow's assessment.
  • use Khan Academy to help freshen up on skills such as:
    • adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators.
    • converting mixed numbers into improper fractions.
    • generating equivalent forms for fractions, decimals and percents.
    • calculating products when multiplying fractions.
In Pre-Algebra, students demonstrated ways in which they took various shapes to construct specific polygons.  We discussed last night's homework and clarified any misconceptions that may have been made when working with the Triangle Sum Theorem.
In class, students...

  • completed Lesson 5.4 which dealt with Polygons.
  • decided if all squares are rectangles.
  • investigated whether squares are not rhombuses.  
  • developed a formula to find the sum of the angle measures of a n-gon.  

For homework, students should...
  • complete problems 5-12, 16-18, 36a/b and 39-42.
  • read the short articles about Selena Pasadyn.
  • respond to the following question by posting to the blog:
    • Is Selena a once in a lifetime person, or is she just like you and I?  Explain using three to four sentences.  Your opening sentence does not count as one of your three to four sentences.
A twelve year old running for states.


  1. I think she is just like me and you. I think that she is because everyone can do anything they want if the work for it. Some people have the talent and the mind set to do this, but others just want to get home and play video games or watch TV. People just have to take the extra time to make them that much better, and have to strive for difficulties. Anyone could be just like her, they just need to put in the effort.


  2. I believe she is just like is. We can do anything we want just like her but some of us just dont believe that. She decides to show that she can do whatever she wants by expressing herself. Everyone on this earth is able to do that too.

    Double Nickle

  3. Selena is just like you and me because she must have put forth effort in order to become what she is today. Selena maybe special but we're all special in some unike way. I for one think selena must be really good at all these subjects to get to where she is now.
    from: mr. wirtz

  4. Selena is definitaly not a once in a life time person. She is just a young person who works really hard at everything that she does. You and I are just like her. We can do that stuff if we worked really hard every day.


  5. Selena yes is a one in a life time person..but as a human being. She is one of us in almost all the same ways. The only quallity that is different about her is that she has a work ethic to work even harder than what she is able to do. She challenges herself with school and sports. If anyone of us put our minds to it just as she did than we would be able to do that. Anyone has the ability to work harder but they have to want it and actually follow it.You can't just dream that one day you are going to have this.


  6. In a way, Selena is a one in a life time person. She is a once in a lifetime person because not many people you see have the motivation and hardworking traits in them. Selena is also very like each of us. I think she just has a amazing dedication to school and sports. Her having no Facebook and not texting shows how much free time she has- not much! Selena's free time is taken with community service, and I believe that is very kind and helpful of her. Overall, she is just like us with amazing dedication you do not see everyday, which also makes her a once in a lifetime person.

  7. Selena, I think is a one in a life time person. She is definitely a special person and I know she has worked hard by learning about her and watching the video, but she is also like you and I. I think this because she broke many records and is in all AP classes, but that doesn't automatically come to us. She has to work hard just like we have to work to earn things in life.


  8. Selena is not a once in a lifetime person. She is the same person as you and I. She might be a little smarter, but that doesn't mean she is a once in a lifetime person. The reason she is smart may be because she never texts or facebooks, so she has more time studying. She is a smart, sixteen year old girl that is just like you and I in many ways. She may be smarter than the average 16 year old, but she is just like us in many ways.


  9. Selena is just like you and I. Even though she is just like you and I, she is special too because of the effort she puts into everything that she participates in. My belief is that you can do anything that you put your mind to. Effort is determination and determination is the thing that gets you things in life. She has talent, but she works hard too. The Wendy's Heisman Trophy found the right girl for sure.

    Kate The Great

  10. I believe that Selena is just like you and me because she is an amazing girl with so much dedication. She definitely is a very, very special girl who we can be like, if we really wanted. Therefor, she is an amazing role model and I would love to be as successful as her. People like Selena, and there are many of them, they are everyday humans like us, but instead of getting home and watching T.V., playing video games, or talking to friends, they are studying or practicing. Her story is a great message.

    ~Cheesy Ninja

  11. Selena is a very special person, but not a once in a lifetime person. She is likving proof that you can do anything you put mind to.It would take alot work to be like Selena, but it's not impossible.

    Johny Appleseed

  12. Selena is very special,for sure. But she's not a once in a lifetime person. Selena just applys herself more than others,and trys harder. She hasn't born with an amazing athletic ability,or smartness. Anybody,if they put their mind to it,could get into highschool at 12 years old. Nobody applys their self in that way though.


  13. I think that Selena is a once in a life time person. She works really hard at school and at sports. But anyone can work hard and not be as good as she is. Selena must have a very high IQ and a great work ethic. I belive that she is a once in a life-tie person because she put forth the effort.

    Smarter Egyptian

  14. Selena is not a one in a lifetime. She is'nt because she's just like you and me. I think she's just like you and me because she just a little more motivation than other people. Because so people think there all that and just think there so smart because they are in a special class like Pre-Algebra. I see that Selena is still a special person for doing this. But, anyone can do the same thing if you try your best. Selena is also a insperation for earning this, cause then it shows people it doesn't matter if your the smartest but it says that if you try your best you could be like Selena.

    ~TAYLOR~ :D

  15. I beilieve that Selena is just like you and me. Yes she is very speacial but she proves that if you work hard and study you can do unimaginal things. Selena is just a girl who works very hard! She doesn't text or use facebook which leaves her time to study. It leaves her time to practice swimming or take a jog. Also gives her time to help out with her communtity. Selena is a very smart girl and deserves those scholarships.

    Frank N' Beans

  16. While Selena is extremely gifted, I think she reached her current stature in life by working hard. It's like the quote you posted on the top of the blog.I think Selena has been doing exactly that, and while Selena may not have a facebook, nor does she text, she probably gets along very well with her peers. This leads me to believe we can be like her, but maybe she can't be like us. She wouldn't be able to give an excuse about not doing the homework we had last night, but we would be able to do the homework in the first place. We definetly have our work cut out for us, don't we?


  17. I think Selena is just Like you and me, but the difference is that she has great work ethic. She also trys hard to accomplish her goals, she has so far to me accomplished her goals in school and sports, except to her she knows that she can do better and thats what makes Selena special to me. I think if everyone wanted to be special they just have to work at it in life. If they do this they too could accomplish what Selena has.


  18. I believe Selena is jut like us. She is like us but puts more dedication in her life than a lot of other people. If we actually tried this hard to accomplish something, it could be done. Selena tries harder everyday so she will always be at her best level. Some people don't try as hard because their lazy. I think Selena is just like us but is better because she puts more effort into her life than others.


  19. I believe that Selena is just like you and me. I think so because even though Selena shows a great deal of dedication and effort, it is not impossible to do. It is very true that not many people put much effort into school, but some people like Selena know that to achieve good things, you have to work hard. Anyone could do what Selena is doing, if they really put their heart into it. Even though it is not impossible, what Selena does is honorable because she tries so hard to do well and not just be "good enough".


  20. To me, Selena is just like us. She does not have super powers, or ultimate knowledge, she is just a regular kid like me. The only difference is that she really applies herself. Instead of Face-booking or texting, she constantly studies and trains, so she can accomplish anything she wants. I think her motive for this is to not only try your hardest, but to give up time of something in this world to prepare yourself for whatever is coming (track race, swim meet, tests, etc.) and be able to excel at anything you do. Yes, she has somewhat of a natural gift, but she tries so much harder than others, and that is why she can be exceptional at anything.


  21. I believe Selena is just like you and me. Yes she is special but I think anyone could do what she is doing. She has achieved some great things. That's because Selena works very hard and she go's above and beyond. You have to put the time, effort and dedication if you want to be like Selena.

  22. I believe that Selena is a very unique person in every way. It must be very satisfying to win a Heisman and be recruited by Case Western Reserve, Harvard, Yale, and etc. Selena and Selena's family must be pretty proud. She probably studies every day to keep up with a 4.74 GPA. Selena shows a lot of dedication from my prospective. Everybody achieves great things when you work hard but she probably works extra hard. She seems very calm going into college at around the age of 16-17. So from my prospective is that everybody can achieve great things if they just put a little effort into their work or anything.

    -Young Pham
