Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Class Topics: 12.13.11

In EDM, students reviewed their blog posts from last night and analyzed whether some of our answers were answering the correct part of the question.  Students then were shown the video below that modeled how to solve one of the more challenging problems on our Unit Four Pre-Test.

Students then collaborated in small groups to develop reasonable solutions to story problems that incorporated the different computations that we have been working on in class and applied them to real-life situations.

In class, students...

  • explained their thoughts on last night's homework and analyzed others' work for possible errors.
  • collaborated with peers to develop solutions to various story problems.
  • checked their work with Mr. Giomini to see if they were correct or to see what steps still needed to be taken.
For homework, students will...
Blog Question
At Best Buy, they have a new 80" HD TV listed for $899.99.  Due to the low demand, they have offered to give customers a 35% discount on the television if they come in today.  Target has the exact same television listed for $750.00.  If you buy the television, you receive a $25.00 gift card. Explain to me which store I should buy the TV from and why.  

In Pre-Algebra, students reviewed some of the constructions from last night's homework dealing with parallel and perpendicular lines as well as transversals.  Students then collaborated together in groups of two to complete geometric constructions of various angles and line segments.  

In class, students...
  • developed a better understanding of Plane Geometry by constructing different geometric drawings.
For homework, students will...
  • play different games on Sumdog to help Troy win the Lorain County competition.


  1. Mr Giomini,

    I think that you should buy the television at Best Buy. I feel this way because you don't factor in the $25.00 dollar gift card, because you are getting it after you buy the T.V. To figure out what 35% of $899.99, I multiplied $899.99 by 0.35, and got $314.99. Then I subtracted $314.99 from $899.99 and got $585.00.

    Blue/Sharkboy/spaceman/(other nickname)

  2. Best Buy is the better buy because the final price is $585.00 and Target's is $725.00 with 25 dollars taken off.

    Nora Meyer

  3. The store you should go to is Best Buy because Targets price is $750 there is no discount so it will stay $750 and at Best Buy it does. I got my answer by doing $899.99*0.35=314.99 and than I did 899.99-314.99= $585.00 and thats how I got my answer of $585.00


  4. You should buy the T.V. at Best Buy because it is the cheapest. Your total should be 585.00 dollars and that is cheaper than Target which was 750.00 with the gift card.


  5. Mr. Giomini
    My answer is that Best Buy Sells the T.V because all together the answer is %585.00. and for the T.V at Target all together the total is $725.00.


  6. You should buy from Best Buy because it costs less money then the other place.


  7. I think that you should buy your television at Best Buy. You should buy it there because after all of the math, the price comes out to $535.00. And if you take the 25.00 gift card from 750.00, you would still have to pay 725.00. So, Best Buy has the better deal. :D

  8. Dear Mr.Giomini,
    For my answer I got $872.34 for the Best Buy and for Target it is the same so it would be $750.00 and would have a $25.00 gift card so the place you would like to shop at to get the T.V. is Target!!!!!!!

    Your Student,
    Boko!!!!!!!! Hi.

  9. Mr.Giomini
    You should buy the TV at Best Buy because once you do the math the TV costs about $585.00. I multiplied $899 by 0.35 to get 314.99 rounded to $315. I subtracted $315 by $900 to get $585.00. That is less expensive then the $750.00 TV at Target.

  10. You should buy the 80" TV from Best Buy because it is 35% off and with that 35% off it would be $585.I got that answer by multiplying $899.99 and 0.35 and I got $314.99 which is how much you take off of $899.99. Then I subtracted $899.99 and $315.99 and i got $585. At Target the TV costs $750.00 and if you buy it today you get a $25.00 gift card, but best buy is cheaper.


  11. Mr. Giomini
    You should get the t.v. at Best Buy because it is cheper than the t.v. at Target.

  12. Mr.Giomini,

    You should go to Best Buy because it is cheaper than Target. Best Buy's price is $585 because I took the original price which is $899.99 and multiplied it by 35% and got $314.99. Next, I took $314.99 and subtracted it from $899.99. I got a total of $585.At Target, I took $750.00 and subtracted the $25.00 gift card and got $725.00, which is more than Best Buy's final price.

  13. You should buy the TV at best buy because you will save more money just with the 35% of than you would get with the $25.00 gift card at target.

  14. Mr.Giomini
    You should buy the T.V. at Best Buy because you get a better deal because you getting 35% off and the total comes down to 584.00 where at Target they have the T.V. for 750.00 and they give you a 25 dollar gift card and that only brings it down to 725. Buy a television at Best Buy beacuse it gives a better deal.


  15. Mr. Giomini,

    The price of the TV, after the discount, is $585.00. Best buy is thebetter deal because they had a $314.99 and Target had a $25 discount because of the $25 gift card. When you subtract $750.00 ( the price of the TV at target) from $25 the TV would be $725.00 and obviously $585 is less than $725.


  16. Mr. Giomini,
    You should buy your tv at Best Buy because $585.00 is less then $750.00. I multiplied $899 by 0.35 to get 314.99. If I rounded that it would be $315. Finally, I subtracted $900.00 by $315.00 to get $585.00. So you should buy your tv from Best Buy.

  17. I think you should purchase the TV from best buy because 35% x 899.99 = 314.99 and if you do 899.99-314.99 you get 585 and at target you would pay 750.00 and you would get 25 back so you would end up paying 725.00 and that would cost more than it would cost at best buy.
    Senior Anderson :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

  18. you should go to best buy because they are $140 cheaper


  19. Mr. Giomini,
    You should buy your T.V. at Best Buy becuase it costs $899 then you multiply that by 0.35 to get 314.99 when you round that to $315. Then I subtracted $315 by $900 (rounded original price) to get $585.00. That is a better buy then $750.00 at Target. ~ Grace (Batgirl) (Mother Mary)

  20. Hiiiii Mr. Giomini!
    You should buy the T.V. at Best Buy because it is $585.00 whereas at Target, the cost for the T.V. is $750.00. I got my answer, by first multiplying 899.99 * .35 to get the answer of $314.99. Then I subtracted 899.99 - 314.99 to get the final answer of $585.00.

    ~MUSTARD!!!!!!!!!!(: :D (:

  21. Mr.Giomini.
    You should buy the TV from Best Buy. You should because the deal is better, you save more because at Best Buy it is $584.9935,(or $584.00). At target it is $725.00.


  22. hello Mr giomini I did better on this one I multiplied 899 by 0.35 and got 349.99 rounded to the nearest one and got 315 and - 900 and got 585: best buy is much cheaper with the savings.

  23. The best place to buy the TV is from Target.I think this because I did $899.99*.35 and then I got $314.99 as the discount.Then I subtracted $899.99 by $314.99 and $585.00 as the price for Best Buy.For Target I did $750.00*$25.00 and I got $525.00 as the discount.After that I subtracted $750.00 by $525.00 and I got $225.00 as the price.This is why I think Target is the best place to buy the TV.

  24. The best place to buy the TV is from Target.I think this because I did $899.99*.35 and I got $314.99 as the discount.Then I subtracted $899.99 by $314.99 and I got $585.00 as the price for Best Buy.For Target I did $750.00*$25.00 and I got $525.00 as the discount.After that I subtracted $750.00 by $525.00 and I got $225.00 as the price.This is why I think Target is the best place to buy the TV.


  25. If you want to get the TV for the least money I would go to Best buy. At best buy it costs $585.00. At Target the TV is $750.00.

    Little o

  26. Mr. Giomini,
    The answer to the problem for EDM is that the best place to buy a TV would be Best Buy because when you take $899.99 and multiply it by 35% you get 314.9965 but if you round it you will get $314.99. You do not want to get a TV at Target because it says you will get a gift card after you pay so you will still have to pay $750.00 no matter what.
    -Smiles:) ;)-

  27. Mr.Giomini,
    You should buy the T.V. at Best Buy because it cost less money than at Target. If you multiply $899.99 by 0.35 then you get 314.99. Once you subtract 314.99 from 899.99 you get $585.00,which is less than target because you would have to pay $750.00. Also you save more at Best Buy you save $314.99, and at Target you only save $175.00.


  28. Hey Mr Giomini
    I would go to Best Buy because if you do 899.99 * 35%= 314.99. Then I subtracted 314.99 from 899.99 and got $585.00. if you go to Target you have to buy the T.V for 750.00 dollars then you get the card so the T.V there is worth 750.00 dollars still


  29. Mr. Giomini,
    I would go to Best Buy because when you take $899.99 and multiply it by 35% you get 314.9965 and round it to 314.99. If you go to Target it won't make a difference in the price because you would get the card after you buy the T.V


  30. you should go to best buy because at best buy , the TV would cost $585.00 with 35% off and at target,the TV would cost $750.00 with a $25.00 gift card so in all , if you even took $25.00 from the target offer , it would still be $725.00 which
    is still more than the best buy offer!
    ~JoRdAn AnDeRsOn

  31. Ok I think the best place to go buy your tv cause when you times 899.99 * 35% =314.9965 obviously you have to round that and get 314.99. Then on target’s end you have to pay 750 bucks with no discount except a 25 dollar gift card you can’t use.
    zechariah saffer

  32. Mr. Giomini,
    You should shop at Target to buy your TV. I converted the discount into a decimal and then I multiplied it by the original price. I rounded it to the nearest dollar. That is that is the discount, so I subtracted it to the original price. That is how I got the answers. At Target the TV is $562 and at Best Buy it is $828.99.


  33. Mr.Giomini you should buy the tv at best buy because the discount is 314.99 if you subtract that from 899.99 you get 584.99 round that 585.00 and you get the tv cheaper because at target it is still 750.00 then you get the gift card and it stays the same

  34. The best store to buy the T.V. is at Best Buy because Best Buy cost 314.99. It's not Target because at Target it cost 725.00.


  35. I think that Best Buy would be the best place to buy the T.V because...
    Target = $750.00 + a 25 dollar gift card to target .
    Best Buy= 899.99 but its 35% off so therefore the T.V is $585.00 . That is why I think Best Buy is the better place to shop.

  36. Mr. Giomini.......
    If I were you i would go to Best Buy because their TV is cheaper. All you do is multiply 899.99* 35% that gives you 314.99. So you subtract 314.99 minus the normal price of 899.99 which is 585.00. The target price would remain the same price of 750.00.

    -MOMO :p

  37. Dear Mr.Giomini,
    You should buy the TV at Best Buy because if you round the price to 900 and then 900*35%=315 and subtract 315 from 900 giving you the price of $585.00 and then the Target price is basically 750-25= 725.00 so at Best buy you save about $315.00 and at Target you save $25.00.

    Maxwell(no nickname)

  38. okay the best place to go would be best buy because if you multiply 899.99 by 35% you wold get 314.99 but that's just what you take away from 899.99. so if you subtract 314.99 from 899.99 you would get 585.00. Then if you go to Target you would regularly pay 750.00 then you get the gift card and it is still the same price.

  39. The answer to your question mr.giomini was best buy because you go the answer of 585.

  40. Best Buy is the place to go, because $899.99 x 35% is 314.99, subtract that from 899.99 and you get $585. Target is still $750, even if you get a gift card.

    -Mad Jack, as crazy as he said he was yesterday.

  41. Mr. Giomini,
    I would go to Best Buy because it is cheaper. If you do 899.99 times 0.35 you would get 314.99. I subtracted 899.99 minus 315.00 and got 585.00. That is why you should go to Best Buy rather than Target.


  42. It would be better to by at Best buy because with the discount it is only 585.00 and at Target it is 725.00 and a gift cards not worth it so buy at Best buy.

    Need a nickname Ian S.

  43. Mr.Giomini,
    I would go to best buy to buy a cheaper tv because if u take 899.999 by 35% it would be 314.00 and if you went to target you would have to pay 750.00 plus a 25$ would still not be close to best buy's price

  44. Mr. Giomini I would go to Best Buy because the deal is a lot better than Target. And to get the answer you would have to multiply 899.99 by 0.35 and then you would subtract the answer of the multiplication from 899.99 and then you will get the answer of the new price of the T.V. which is $585.00. And the reason you would not want to go to Target is because the price will only be reduced by $25 which is then $725 dollars


  45. Mr.Gio,
    You should go to Best Buy to buy the tv because I multiplied $899.99 * .35% which = $314.99. Then I had to subtract $899.99 - 314.99 and I got $585.00 and $585.00 is less than $750.00. That's how I got my answer.

    Mackenzie Bateman

  46. Mr. Giomini you should go to Best Buy because the price is $584.99. I got this by doing $899.99*$35%, and got 315.00. Than I subtracted $ 899.99-$315.00 and got $584.99.

    Target's price is $750.00 with the gift card it still stays the same price so it would be less to get the TV at Best Buy .

  47. Mr.Giomini,
    Go to Best Buy because if you take that 35% off of $899.99 you should get $585.00. And Target's price is $750.00. Best Buy's is cheaper so buy from there. Unless you want to be dumb and buy from Target!!!!!!! !

    Jivan Meguerditchian

  48. 35% of 899.99 is about 585.00 and 750-25 is 725 so you shold shop at best buy for the lower price.

    Josh Novotny
