Monday, December 12, 2011

Class Topics: 12.12.11

EDM students worked with converting fractions to decimals to percents a bit more today in preparation for Day One of Unit Four Summative Assessment on Friday the 16th.  Students began to apply their understanding of percents to problem situations such as the ones listed below:

  • The local Wacky Water World Park has70 employees, of which 40% are temporary.  How many employees work temporarily at the the park?  How many full-time employees work at the park?
  • Charlie bought cupcakes for his sister’s birthday party.  20% of the 45 cupcakes had sprinkles on top.  How many cupcakes had sprinkles?  How many cupcakes came without sprinkles?
  • At the craft store, Nancy bought a bag of yellow and orange marbles.  The bag contained 90 marbles and 70% of them were yellow.  How many yellow marbles did Nancy receive?
These are good examples of the types of percent questions students may see on their Unit Four Summative Assessment on Friday the 16th.

  • In class, students...
    • explained that a percent can be both greater than 100 and less than 1.
    • completed MJ150 in class.
    • collaborated to come up with solutions for story problems such as the ones listed above.
  • For HW, students will...
The regular price of a television in a store is $373.60. The Sunday paper has an ad saying that this store is having a sale on this television. The ad says that this television will be sold for 18 % less than the regular price. What is the sale price? Give your answer to the nearest one hundredth of a dollar.

Pre-Algebra students worked with parallel and perpendicular lines today since we were ran out of time last Friday.  We discussed the various ways to prove that two lines are parallel.  Students then viewed and analyzed piece of abstract art or architecture and explain how parallel lines, transversals or perpendicular lines are used in the composition.
  • In class, students...
    • developed solutions for both the Warm-up and Problem of the Day.
    • discussed Lesson 5.2 and its relevance to Plane Geometry.
  • For HW, students will...
    • Tonight:
      • complete problems 7 – 10, 14 – 20, 23, 26 - 33 on pgs 228-231.
    • Remainder of week:
      • participate in the Sumdog Competition online.  The school needs your support!


  1. Mr. Giomini, my answer is $67.24. i got that answer by 18%*373.60 and got $67.24.


  2. Hey Mr. Giomini!
    The final sale price for the T.V. is $67.25. I got this answer by multiplying $373.60 * 0.18


  3. Mr. Giomini,
    The television would cost $67.25 if it was 18% off. I did this by converting the original cost into a decimal, by moving the decimal point 2 spaces to the left. Then I multiplied 3.736 * 18 and got 67.2480. The instructions said to round to the nearest one hundredth. So then I got my answer of $67.25!
    Terminator :D

  4. Mr. Giomini
    I got an answer of $67.25 for the TV. I got this by moving the decimal place over two places and multipling 373.60 by 0.18 to get 67.25


  5. hello Mr giomini I divided 18 by 373.60 and I got 24 and I subtracted it by 373.60 and finally got 349.60

    Sky walker
    PS study link 4 is not operating properly.

  6. Mr. Giomini,
    The television would cost $67.25 if there was a sale for 18% off at the store. I got this by multiplying 373.60*18% and got $67.25. Than I rounded like it said in the directions. That's how I got $67.25.


  7. sorry about that, I looked at the comments and it turns out that you multiply 373.60 by 0.18 the real answer is $67.25...

    just to let you now I tried this and I did not get it right, do you have a math website I can study from??? Sky walker

  8. The cost of the tv would be $67.25 because if you do all the steps then multiply $373.60 x 18 you would get the answer $67.25.


  9. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    The answer to the EDM homework is: $373. 60* 18% = 67. 248 but if you put the answer to the nearest hundredth you get $67. 24.

    Smiles :) ;)

  10. Mr.Giomini,

    The television will cost $303.362 since it was 18% off.


  11. $67.25 is the cost St.Patrick.
    I forgot to turn My last one to money. Sorry Mr.Giomini.

  12. Mr. Giomini,

    The sale price of the t.v. would be $306.352. Next, you would have to round but since the thousandths place is a 2 you would stay the same and just take away the 2.I got my answer because I took the original price, $373.60 and multiplied it by 18% and then I subtracted 67.25 from 373.60 and got my final answer which is $306.35.

  13. Sorry if this isnt the place to post but for my answer is...
    18% of 373.60 = $67.24 for the T.V. in the ad.

  14. Mr Giomini,
    I got an answer of $67.23 as the sale price. I got my answer by dividing 373.60 by 50 (18/100 reduced), then i got 7.47*9 (9/50 is reduced from 18/100) and that is how I got $67.23. The TV is now $306.37.

  15. The television would cost $67.25. How I got my answer was I multiplied $373.60 by 18 and got my answer.


  16. Mr. Giomini,
    The answer i got was 316.61. I got this answer by dividing 373.60 by 1.18. this got me to the answer of 316.61.

    -MoMo :p

  17. Mr.Giomini ,
    my answer is $67.24. i got that answer by 18%*373.60 and got $67.24.

    Rauscher M

  18. Mr.Giomini the price of the television will be $306.35.The discount will be $67.25 cents


  19. The answer is 306.35

    sincerely Need a nickname Ian Stewart

  20. Okay the answer i got when i multiplied 18%*$373.60 is 67.248. you can't have 3 spots after the decimal so i rounded .248 to .25. that would give me the answer of $67.25. so then to get the sale price i subtracted $67.25 from $373.60 and that gave me $306.35.
    ---Horton hears a who

  21. the answer is 67.24
    -Mad Jack, the guy who's totally not crazy.

  22. Mr. Giomini I multiplied 373.60 and 0.18 and got a answer of 67.248 so the discount is 67.25. then I subtracted 67.25 from 373.60. So the price of the tv is $306.35.


  23. The final price for the t.v. is 305.36 dollars
