Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Class Topics: 12.07.11

In EDM, students collaborated in small groups to complete various story problems that involved different applications of the fractional computations that we have been working with in class.
  • In Class:
    • Students -
      • Solved different story problems dealing with fraction computations.
  • HW:
    • Tonight -
      • Complete MJ144
      • Practice the following skills on Khan Academy.
      • Work on Sumdog. (If it is working.)
    • Continuous -
      • Review Guided Notes for the quiz on Friday.
      • Complete the example quiz posted on December 5th that will prepare you for Friday's quiz.
      • Discuss with peers problems from previously covered material.
      • Investigate where you can apply the skills you are attaining in class outside of school.

In Pre-Algebra, students completed their Chapter Five Lesson One Guided Notes.  Compasses and straightedges were used to practice with constructing different geometric models.

  • In Class:
    • Students -
      • Introduced to Lesson 5.1 in their Pre-Algebra textbooks.
  • HW:

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