Monday, December 12, 2016

Day 74: Ratios - Proportions - Equivalent Ratios

In Math 6 - 1° students worked with Lesson 5.1: Understand Ratios. Students begin to understand that ratios compare quantities. We discussed ratios that compare part to part and part to whole.

Image result for part to part ratio

Students in Math 6+ began work with writing and solving proportions.

Image result for solving proportions

During Math 6 - 3/7°, students worked with Lesson 5.2: Generate Equivalent Ratios. Here, students learn the procedural method of generating equivalent ratios by multiplying and dividing the original terms of a ratio by the same nonzero number.

Here is a game to play for finding equivalent ratios: Math Playground - Alien Ratios

Image result for equivalent ratio

Lesson Objective(s):
  1. Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities.
  2. Use tables to compare ratios.
  3. Make tables of equivalent ratios relating quantities with whole numbers.

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