Monday, November 24, 2014

Class Topics: 11.24.14

In Common Core Math Six today, students completed three review problems from Chapter Four dealing with algorithms for subtracting, dividing, and multiplying fractions.  Mr. Giomini introduced Chapter Five: Proportional Reasoning with Lesson 5.1: Rates and Ratios.  A Brain Pop video was shown to help students comprehend the topic.

Students learned how to write ratios in three different forms: 1/4, 1:4, 1 to 4.  Examples were shared and students created ratios from given scenarios.

P.O.N. 11.24.14
The scale on a map is 2 cm : 10 km.  If two cities are 18 cm apart on the map, what is the actual distance in km between two cities? 

Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  • understand the concept of a ratio.
  • use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities.  
For Evening Practice, the student is expected to...
  • complete numbers 6 - 14 and 26 - 29.



  1. The actual distance is 90 miles. I got this because 2cm is equal to 10 km, and the distance in cm is 18. to get 18 you would do the distance of 2cm*9=18 so 10*9=90

    1. Sean,

      I like the explanation on how you solved the proportion. Make sure you are using the correct unit of measure for your problem.

  2. I got 90 km. I got my answer by knowing that they want the cm to be 18 so If you make it 18 then what you did to 2 to make it 18 you must do to the km. Since you now want to figure how many times 2 goes into 18 you can divide and get 9. Next since you multiplied 2 and 9 you must do it to 10. Which if you multiply 10 and 9 you would get 90 km.


    1. Knicksterblocker,

      I like how you see the connection of multiplication when dealing with the two ratios. Nice work with using the appropriate unit of measure as well.
