Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Class Topics: 08.27.14

In Common Core Math Six today, Mr. Giomini reviewed last night's Evening Practice with the students. Lesson 1.4: Bar Graphs and Histograms was introduced to the students.  Mr. Giomini focused on histograms since students have been making bar graphs with some type of food since 1st grade.

A histogram is a type of bar graph that shows the frequency of data within equal intervals.  You will notice in the illustration below that there are no spaces between the bars in a histogram.  The intervals along the x-axis are arranged in a similar fashion to the intervals in a cumulative frequency table.

Today's Learning Targets: The student will be able to...
  • display numerical data using various graphical representations.
  • construct different graphical representations to organize a data set.
  • interpret information provided from numerous graphical representations.
Today's Evening Practice: The student is expected to...

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