Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Class Topics: 11.22.11

In EDM, students exhibited their ability to incorporate the skills learned yesterday by simplifying fractions into simplest form.  Students then began to compare fractions with unlike denominators using <, >, or = in their comparisons.

Students demonstrated their ability to compare fractions using two strategies: quick common denominator and least common denominator/least common multiple.

In Pre-Algebra, students completed their Google Form quiz online while working in the computer lab.  The quiz involved the following skills: 
  • identifying the appropriate population, sample, and sampling method a for specific scenario
  • recognizing the different measures of central tendency for a set of data
  • arguing what, if any, information was needed in order to solve a problem
Over the break, it would be wise to pull some of the practice sheets from the blog that deal with Chapter Four in preparation for next weeks summative assessment. Also, view the video from yesterday and today dealing with scatter plots to assist in front loading you for next week.  You will also see some websites to help with your introduction to scatter plots.

1 comment:

  1. hello Mr giomini, I watched half of the fast and easy quick denominator video and I think it helped me compare fractions I was on the blog during the break.

