Friday, May 18, 2018

Day 165: Khan Wrap up

Students in Math 6 were given the opportunity to wrap up their Khan requirement for the fourth quarter.

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Math 6+ students had to complete their Future Math 6+ Student letter.

Dear New 6+ Student,
In this letter I will tell you a few basic things that will be helpful for you in Math 6+ this year. You may or may not like Mr. Giomini, but in my opinion he was a great teacher. He likes to joke around, but be sure to get on his good side. Also, sometimes this class will be a little confusing but if you stay focused and prepared you will do fine!
The first thing I will be going over is Khan Academy. A very important thing will be to stay caught up or ahead. Each quarter you will need to get 50%. By the end of the year, you will need to be 100% in 7th Grade. The Math 6 classes only have to get 33% each quarter. This might not seem fair, but it won’t be that hard. You may have done Khan last year, but it will be for a grade this year. If you have the right amount completed each quarter, it will boost your grade up. If you have any questions about a Khan problem, Mr. Giomini can help you.
One thing that will be new this year is Calculation Quizzes. These will be 5 questions, all focusing on one topic. You will have one each Wednesday. A useful study tool is the practice problems that Mr.Giomini will put up on the board. You can ask him to give you even more practice, or to explain one of the questions. These quizzes will be out of either 10 or 20 points.

Now I’ll tell you about a few extra things that will be helpful. First of all, make sure to push in your chair! If you don’t, he might make you stay in for recess. Second, homework isn’t for a grade! He doesn’t care that much if you don’t do it, but it helps to understand the topic more if you do it. We do go over in it class. Overall, there will be new things you aren’t used to, but it’ll be fine.

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