Friday, October 27, 2017

Day 46: Write and Solve + and - Equations / Coordinate Plane

Math 6 students worked with Lesson 4.3: Write and Solve Addition and Subtraction Equations. We will discuss incorporating the inverse operation to solve one-step equations. Students are then going to learn how to substitute their answer back into the equation to determine if they have correctly calculated the solution of the equation.

A special shout out to Hess on the last day of the 1st quarter.

Math 6+ students worked with quadrants and order pairs today. This is will tie in nicely as we begin to graph linear equations in the coming weeks.

Standards addressed in class today:
Math 6:
  • Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a question: which values from a specified set, if any, make the equation or inequality true? Use substitution to determine whether a given number in a specified set makes an equation or inequality true.
  • Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations of the form x + p = q and px = q for cases in which pq and x are all nonnegative rational numbers.
Math 6+:
  • Draw polygons in the coordinate plane given coordinates for the vertices; use coordinates to find the length of a side joining points with the same first coordinate or the same second coordinate. Apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
Next Week's Calculation Examples

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