Thursday, November 12, 2015

Day 58: Decimals Quiz / Distance on a Coordinate Plane / Practice Test

Today in Math 6: 1 & 3°, students completed a quiz dealing with decimals and equations.  

During Math 6 - 2°, students continued to work with ordered pairs on a coordinate plane.  Taking our knowledge of plotting points, we began to calculate the distance between to different ordered pairs.  

Students in Math 6+ worked to complete a practice test today in class that will help in preparing for next week's Topic Three posttest.

Today's Learning Target(s): The student will be able to...
  1. solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and solving equations.  (1, 3, & 7°)
  2. apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers. (2°)   
  3. identify and graph points with integer coordinates on the coordinate plane. (2°)  
  4. fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers using the standard algorithm for each operation. (all classes)
For Evening Practice, the student is expected to complete:
  1. Math 6(1&3): Page 29
  2. Math 6(2): Practice Buddy 4.3
  3. Math 6+: Page 29
  4. All Classes: > 10 minutes meaningful practice at Khan Academy 

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