Friday, November 02, 2012

Power Outage: 11.02.12

Wow, I need to get back to work.  We are now at DAY FOUR without power at Troy Intermediate.  Below you will find a rough outline of next week so you can get an idea of what we are doing in both Math Six and Pre-Algebra.

Math Six:
Monday: Combing Like Terms
Tuesday: No School - Professional Day
Wednesday: Jeopardy Review
Thursday: Chapter One Mid-Quiz
Friday: Lesson 1.7: Ordered Pairs in Computer Lab

Monday: Lesson 3.10: The Real Numbers
Tuesday: No School - Professional Day
Wednesday: Chapter Three Posttest Review
Thursday: Chapter Three Posttest
Friday: Goal Setting for Chapter Four
If you are bored, there is a cool series on Khan by a young girl named Vi Hart.  It takes several mathematical concepts and illustrates them using graphing paper and a Sharpie; they call it recreational mathematics.  Above is an example of one.  She has a blog which I have linked, but I don't know how often she updates the material since it says her last post was nine months ago.

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