Monday, October 29, 2012

Class Topics: 10.29.12

In Math Six today during second and fourth period, students worked with Lesson 1.5: Solving and Graphing Inequalities.  Students reviewed material from the previous four lessons briefly before collaborating with their peers to solve this inequality:  
  • Keith plans to buy a car two years from now.  He currently has $3,000 saved up to buy the car.  Keith's father said he would give Keith an additional $700 towards his car purchase.
    • From all the cars that Keith is considering buying, how much money does he need to save per month over the next two years if he buys a car that costs at least $19,000?  Write and solve an inequality to justify your answer.
Students in fourth period will take the Chapter One midpoint quiz on Wednesday and students in second period will take the quiz on Thursday.  
Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  1. solve and graph inequalities.
  2. communicate mathematical concepts with peers using appropriately mathematical terms.
  3. review notes for upcoming Chapter One midpoint quiz.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. complete the Google Form linked here.  (CLICK HERE!!)
In Pre-Algebra today, Mr. Giomini shared the bar graph below which showed the students' overall performances on the previous Friday's midpoint quiz.  Students received their quizzes and Mr. Giomini wondered how this quiz could help test preparation for Friday's Chapter Three Summative Posttest. 

Students then worked with Lesson 3.8: Squares and Square Roots.  Basic square roots were introduced and how to evaluate more complex square roots were modeled and practiced.  
Today's Learning Goals:
  1. calculate the square roots for integers.
  2. evaluate the answer for different square root computations.
For Evening Practice, it is suggested that the student...
  1. make corrections to Chapter Three Pretest questions 1 through thirty-three.
  2. complete page 148 numbers 14 through 42, even.

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