Friday, June 01, 2012

Class Topics: 06.01.12

Students and Parents,

Today is/was the last day of school.  Thank you, both students and parents, for an exceptional year.  Hopefully we will all leave Troy a better mathematician, but more importantly, a better person.  Enjoy the summer and take some time to reflect on your sixth grade year.

In relentless pursuit of excellence,

Mr. Giomini

Who is the Powder stunt double?

Not this type of reflection


  1. canuggling (can-ug-l-ing) v. 1 a three-leg open water race that consists of one canoe and three jugglers first attempted in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 2. a challenge in balance, dexterity and coordination 3, the most fun and laughs you’ll have all summer- Found at ... told you!


    1. That's nice.... (note my sarcasm.)


  2. Dear Mr.Giomini,

    I regret that I was sobbing so hard when I last saw you that I couldn't manage to say anything but 'Bye' and 'Thanks'. I wanted to say- "Goodbye Mr. Giomini, have a great summer. Thank you so much for everything you have done this year,I admire how hard you work to teach your students and I'll never forget you. Of course, part of the reason I'll never forget you is become I'll visit you, even if you lock me out and I have to kick the door for days. That really was Emily, by the way. I hope you continue to give your students that extra push that will lead them to do great things, you are a wonderful teacher and I wish I were going to your classroom again next Monday. You gave me just what I needed to do my best." Again, have a GREAT summer.

    ~Cole Miner's Daughter

  3. Mr. Giomini,
    Thanks for relly helping me this year. You really made class fun. I hope I have time next year to stop by and visit. Hope you have a great summer!

  4. Thank you for the best and last year at Troy. I will miss hearing your sarcasm;D Have a great Summer!!!


    Tell your daughter I said hi!!
