Monday, May 07, 2012

Class Topics: 05.07.12

In EDM today, students who completed the Unit Eight Summative Post-test on Friday received their assessments in class.  Several students tested out of the unit when we took the Unit Eight Formative Pre-test earlier in April.

We introduced our next unit which deals with the real-world applications of percents.  This unit is from our Pre-Algebra textbook and will help develop a deeper understanding of percents and their use in daily activities.  To help jump start our percent unit that will begin on Wednesday with the formative pre-test, students used Khan Academy to develop their Knowledge Web and practiced the skills linked below:
  1. Percent to Decimal
  2. Percent Word Problems
  3. Percent Word Problems II
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. convert decimals to percents and percents to decimals.
  2. apply problem-solving skills to solving story problems dealing with percents.
For Evening Practice, the student CAN...
  1. post an answer and an explanation to the problem below to the blog.
    • The total area of the state Florida is 58,560 square miles. The total land area of Florida is 54,252 square miles. Estimate what percent of  Florida’s total area is water.

In Pre-Algebra today, students were re-introduced to Lesson 9.6: Permutations and Combinations.  Due to last week's concert, several students missed this lesson so we reviewed it today.  We practiced some permutation and combination problems together and then students collaborated in pairs or pods to begin their homework assignment. 
Today's Learning Intentions: The student will be able to...
  1. state a factorial of a number.
  2. define a permutation.
  3. apply permutations to a problem situation.
  4. define a combination.
  5. apply knowledge of combinations to problem situations.
For Evening Practice, the student CAN...
  1. use their new skills to solve problems on Practice B and Problem Solving 9.6 (Handouts)
  2. read an article about the real-life applications of permutations and combinations.


  1. 4308 is the area of water in florida. The way I got that answer is I subtracted 54252 from 58560, and got the answer of 4308.

    ~Jordan Anderson

  2. My answer for this problem is 7.35%. I got this answer by subtracting 58560 and 54252 which gave me 4308. I then divided 4308 by 58560 which gave me 0.0735. Finally, I multiplied that by 100 to give me 7.35%


  3. MR.Giomini,
    The percent of the area of water in Florida is 7.35%.

  4. I subtracted the total land area of florida from the total area of Florida tp find out the total area of water 4308.

    Maxwell Wittman

    1. You have the correct number, but then you needed to do something with that number to get the percent of Florida that is covered by water.

  5. Mr.Giomini
    I think the answer is 430.8% because 58,560-54,252 is 4.308 and 4.308 as a pecent is 430.8%.

    Riles :)

    1. Riles, Ask your self if 430.8% of Florida can be covered by water.

  6. i turned it into a fraction and had 54252/58560. Then to turn that into a %, I divided 54252/58560 and got .9264344262. In order to convert this decimal to a percent, i moved the decimal two places to the right and got a final answer of 92.64344262%


  7. the answer is 430.8 because you take 58,560-54,252=4,308 times 100 would get you this answer

    1. When you subtract the two area numbers that does not give you a percent.

  8. the answer is 430.8 because you take 85,560-54,252=4,308 times 100 gets you this answer

  9. Hey Mr. Giomini,

    I got an answer of 7.36% of Florida is water. I got this answer because i did 58,560 - 54,252= 4308. Then I did 4308/58560=0.07356. Finally I did 0.07356*100 and got 7.36% if you round the answer.


  10. The answer that I got is 7.36%. That means that 7.36% of Florida is water. I got my answer by subtracting 58,560 by 54,252 and getting 4,308. Then I took 4,308 and divided it by 58,560 and got 0.0735. Finally I took 0.0735 and times that by 100 and got 7.356, and then I rounded it to 7.36.

  11. I got the answer of 7.35% because 58,560-54,252=4308. then I took the answer of 4308 and divided it by 58,560. 4308/58,560=0.0735. Then iI had to move the decimal over 2 places to the right and got 7.35%


  12. I believe the answer to this problem is 92.64%, or just 92%. I created the fraction 54252/58560, and I divided the numerator by denominator. I recieved 0.9264, move the decimal two places to the right, add a % sigh, and I got 92.64%

    -Jack Williams

    1. You found out the percent of Florida that is land, but you needed to find our the percent of Florida that is water. You can actually do one more step to get the correct answer.

  13. the answer for the problem is 13.59% i got that by subtracting the two numbers then you divide that number by the total area of florda and you get 13.59%

    joey k.

    1. This is too big Joey. Your steps sound correct so maybe there is a subtraction problem.

  14. Hi Mr.Giomini I got the answer 1.o8% of Florida is water. I got this by dividing 58,560 by 54,252 then I divided that by 100 then multiplied it By 100.


  15. The percent of water in Flordia is 7.35% I got my answer by taking 54,252 away from 58,560 and got 4,308. I then did 4,308 and divided it by 58,560 and got 0.0735 then I took 0.0735 and multiplied it by 100 to get 7.35, which is the percent of water in Flordia. ~Batgirl(Grace)

    1. Batgirl to the rescue with the correct answer to save the day!

  16. i got 8% I got this by subtracting total land by actual land the dividing that actual land.

    1. I am not sure whose response this is, but it appears from your explanation that you had the correct idea, but I am not seeing the 8% for an answer.

  17. i got 8% I got this by subtracting total land by actual land the dividing that actual land.


  18. MR.Giomini,
    I got the answer of 7.35%.
    I got this because i subtracted 58560 and 54252. I got 4308. 4308 divided by 58560 is 0.0735. 0.0735 times 100 is 7.35%

    1. Thanks for logging back on to give a nice explanation Olivia.

  19. Mr Giomini:

    I got an answer of 7.40%. First, I subtracted the total area of Florida by the total amount of land which equals 4,308. Then,I divided 4,308 by 58,560 and multiplied it by 100 which equals 7.35% so I rounded it up to 7.40%


  20. The total area of water in Florida is 7.35%. I know this because the total amount of area the state of Florida has is 58,560. The total amount of land is 54,252. If you subtract the total amount of area to the total amount of land you get 4,308. To make that a percent you must divide 4,308 by 58,560 you get 0.0735655738. If you multiply that by 100 you get 7.35%.

  21. MR. Giomini,

    The percent of water in flordia is 7.35% I got my answer by talking 54,252 away from 58,560 and got 0.0735 then i took 0.0735 and mulitiplied it by 100 to get 7.35% percent of water in florida.


  22. Mr. Giomini,
    A good estimate for the water area of Florida would be seven percent. I know so because 585609(the total area)-54252(the total land area)=4308. 4508 divided by 58560 is 0.073. 0.073 as a percent would be 7.3%, if you round it down you get 7%.

  23. Mr Giomini,
    The answer I got was 7.35%. The way I got this answer is I know that you have to subtract the total number of Flordia's area, and the number of land and i got 4,308. To get a percent you need to divide 4,308 and 58,560 to get 0.0735 then you times that by 100. Then BAM. its an answer of 7.35(;

    - W3$t $!d3 (west side/Dayna)

  24. I calculated an answer of 7.35. I calculated my answer by subtracting 58,560 by 54,252, which equals 4,308. After I subtracted, I then divided 4,308 by 58,560. When I got that answer I multiplied it by 100.

  25. 4,308 miles is the area of water in Florida. 4,310 rounded.

    Count Mustacheula (Flower Boy)

    1. I like the area in water, but we needed to convert that to a percent.

  26. Mr.Giomini,
    I think the answer is 13.59%.

  27. Mr.Giomini:

    I got 7 percent of Florida's total area is water. I got this answer by subtracting 58,560 by 54,252 to get 4,000. I divided 4,000 by 54, 252 to get about 7 percent.


  28. Hi Mr. Giomini,
    I got an answer of 7.36% I got my answer by first subtracting 58,560 by 54,252. I then got an answer of 4,308. Then I divided that by 58,252, and got my final answer of 7.36%

    ~Mustard ;)

  29. The total area of water in Florida is 7.35. I got this answer by subtracting 58,560 and 54,252 and I got 0.0735655737704918 then multiply by 100 and got 7.35%.

  30. My answer is 7.4% of Florida is Water. I received my answer by first doing the total area of Florida- 58,560 and subtracting it by the area of Florida that is land to get the water- 54,252. I got 4,308ft squared is water. Then to get the percentage you take the fraction of 4308/58590 and divide those. You receive an answer of .07365, you multiply by 100 to get the percent of 7.36% rounded, as the almost actual percent rounded

    Evan TAYL0R

    1. Nice work Tay-Tay. Do you think you could have came up with this answer when we first started percents?

  31. Mr.Giomini,

    The percent of water in Florida is 7.4%. I got this answer by subtracting 58,560 by total land to get 4,308 square miles of water. Finally I put 4,308/58,560 and turned into a percent, rounded I get 7.45%.


  32. The percent of water is 7.4%.

  33. The answer is 7%. I found my answer by subtracting 58,560 from 54,252 to get 4,308 left. Then I divided 4,308 by 58,560 to get 0.07. Which is 7%.

  34. I got 7.36%


    1. Giggles, I like the answer, but don't forget to explain how you came up with 7.36%

  35. The answer is 7%. I got my ansewer by doing 58560 and subtracting that from 54252 to get 4308 and then dived 58560 by 4308. Which is 7 rounded.


  36. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    The answer I got for this question is 7.356% or 8% if you want an estimate. I got my answer by subtracting 54,252 by 58,560 and getting 4,308. I then checked my work and after I divided 4,308 by 58,560. I got 0.07356 and multiplied that by 100 to get 7.356%.


  37. Dear Mr. Giomini,

    The total percent of florda's land or area that was covered by water is 7.35%. I got this answer by subtracting 58,560 by 54,252 and got 4,308. Then I did 4,308 divided by 58,560 and got 0.07356. After that I did 0.07356 multiplyed by 100 and got 7.35% as my answer.


    1. Wonderful response Fandah! Thanks for posting all year!

  38. My answer is 7.35 because if you subtract 58,520 and 54,252 and what you have 4308. Then divided 58,520 by 4,308 to get 7.35.

    Hawaii 5-O

  39. The answer is 7.35% i got my answer by i subtracted 58560 and 54252. I got 4308. 4308 divided by 58560 is 0.0735. 0.0735 times 100 is 7.35%


  40. Dear Mr. Giomini,
    The answer to the problem is 7.4 because you take 58,560- 54,252 and then you take that number which is 4,308 and divide 4,308/58,560 then times that anwer by 100 to get 7.35. You then round it up to 7.4.


  41. I got 7.4% I got my answer by doing the total area of Florida 58,560 and subtracting it by the area of Florida that is not water to get the water 54,252 I got 4,308 ft squared is water. Next to get the percentage you take the fraction of 4308/58590 and divide those. And You get the answer of .07365, you multiply by 100 to get the percent of 7.36% rounded, as the almost actual percent rounded. That is how i got my answer of 7.4%


    1. Nice response Saffer! I like how clear your explanation is on the post.

  42. Mr. Giomini I got the answer of 7.35% and I rounded to 7%. I got that by subtracting 58560-54252 and got 4308 then i divided that by 58560 and got 7.35% and rounded to 7%.


  43. My answer was 7.4 . I got this because I rounded 7.35 to the nearest tenths place. First to get my answer I took the total land 58560- the regular land ( not including the water ) 54252 and got 4308. After that I took 4308 divided by 58560 and got the answer of 0.0735•100. Therefore youbwould getbthe answer of 7.35 rounded to the nearest tenth = 7.4% of the land of Florida is water.


  44. Mr.Giomini,

    I think the answer is 7.94


  45. I got 7.35279% or 7.4% if you round it. I got that by subtracting 58,560 by 54,252 and you get an answer of 4,308. Then you take 4,308 and divide it by 58,560. You should get an answer of 0.07. Next you multiply it by 100 to get the decimal places 2 places over and that's how I got my answer of 7.4%


  46. I got 43.08 as an answer, I got that bye taking 58560-54252 and got 4308 then i divided that by 100 and got 43.08.........Hosier

  47. Hey mr giomini i am Very suprised that the totalwaterlands is 93%!!!!!

    Well the bell rang so ill see you


  48. The answer to this question is 7%. I figured this out by first, finding the difference between 58,560 and 54,252, and finding the answer of 4,308. Then I divided that by 58,560 and got the answer of 0.0735655, witch I rounded to .07. Then I converted that to a percent, which gives you 7%.


  49. Mr. Giomini,
    I got 73.52 by subtracting 58560 by 54252 to get 4308. Then I did 4308/5860 to get 0.73515358. Lastly I times 0.73515358 by 100 to get the final answer of 73.52


  50. Mr.Giomini,
    I got a answer of 7.4 because i rounded 7.35 up


  51. Mr. Giomni,
    I got the answer of 7.4 by subtracting 58560 and 54252 to get 4308. Then I divieded 5860 by 4308 to get 0.73515358. Next I multiplied 0.7351538 by 100 to get the final answer of 73.52. lastly I rounded 73.52 to get 7.4.
