Thursday, February 09, 2012

Class Topics: 02.09.12

In EDM, we reviewed last night's homework dealing with adding and subtracting integers.  This was something that was briefly introduced last year in the fifth grade so we didn't have a strong foundation in the concept coming into the sixth grade.

Once we felt better about our understanding of adding and subtracting integers, we introduced multiplying and dividing decimals.
In class, students...
  • corrected any errors from last night's homework.
  • solved some example problems from the last three days of class.
  • collaborated with a peer to compute solutions to both multiplication and division of integers.
For homework, students SHOULD...
  • complete 2.3 Multiplication Packet.
In Pre-Algebra, students worked on Lesson 6.10: Sphere - Volume and Surface Area.  We reviewed how to find the surface area of a pyramid if the base is a triangle without the height given.  The Unit Six Summative Assessment is on Wednesday, February 15th.
In class, students...
  • worked with the formulas for volume and surface area of a sphere.
For homework, students SHOULD...
  • complete  problems 14 - 17, 21, 23, 30 - 35 on pages 324 - 327.
  • finalize your formula card for the assessment on Wednesday.

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