Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Class Topics: 02.01.12

In EDM today, students analyzed their Unit Five Summative Posttest.  As of right now, the class average for all three classes is roughly an 88% which is impressive.
In class, students...
  • received their Unit Five Summative Posstest back to analyze. 
  • read a model paper written by Mr. Giomini.  (1st and 3rd Period)
For homework, students SHOULD...
In Pre-Algebra, students received their Chapter Six Mid-Chapter Quiz.  We discussed common mistakes and reviewed the expectation that students will provide work on their assessments.  After, we began Lesson 6.5: Three-Dimensional Drawings.  Using isometric paper, students constructed different three-dimensional shapes according to directions.  
In class, students...
  • reviewed quiz results.
  • constructed three-dimensional drawings.  
For homework, students SHOULD...
  • complete Problem Solving 6.5 and Challenge 6.5.

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