Friday, March 01, 2013

Class Topics: 03.01.13

In Math Six today, the students completed the Unit Six Summative Posttest.
Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  1. apply problem-solving and decision-making when working in mathematics.
  2. communicate mathematical ideas.
  3. use order of operations to simplify numerical expressions.
  4. add, subtract, multiple and divide integers.
  5. solve equations that have integers.
  6. simplify, solve and graph inequalities with integers.
  7. combine like terms when working with exponents and common bases.
  8. decompose and recompose whole numbers using whole numbers using factors and exponents.
  9. use scientific notation to represent large and small numbers.
For Weekend Practice, the student is assigned...
  1. to check GBW for updated grades.
  2. view the Khan video listed below:
Introduction to Ratios (new HD version): What a ratio is. Simple ratio problems.         
  1. complete the Khan Skill listed below:
In Pre-Algebra today, Mr. Giomini spent time reviewing Lesson 8.4 - Percent Increase and Decrease.  Once that was complete, students worked with a peer to solve application types problems from Lesson 8.4.  Examples of this would be...
  • Mr. Giomini weighed 200 pounds and lost 15 pounds.What was the percent of decrease in his weight?
  • Brooke is given a 4% raise which makes her salary $754 a week.  What was Brooke’s salary before the salary increase?
Today's Learning Goals: The student will be able to...
  1. convert a decimal to a percent.
  2. implement equations to solve for percent increases and decreases.
For Weekend Practice, the student is assigned one of the following Evening Practices based on the results from their Lesson Quiz...

Julia's animated turtle from Khan's
Computer Science Programming.
Snowflakes, Starflakes, and Swirlflakes: Unusual variations on the paper snowflake.